Chapter Sixty-Six: What's Best for You

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Mr. and Mrs. McNeill stood in front of their three boys in the living room. Their arms were crossed with frowns on their faces.

There was a list of things the parents had been reprimanding each of the boys for, starting with the party which they learned had alcohol.

The only reason the parents knew about the party was because Mrs. McNeill had opened her front door to Marina at her doorstep.

"Hello, Marina," Mrs. McNeill greeted warily.

Seeing the irritated look on the girl, however, Mrs. McNeill raised a brow asking the brunette if she was alright.

Mrs. McNeill never really liked this young lady for her son because of how arrogant Marina was, and how much the young lady tried to impress Gabriel all the time.

However, ever since Mrs. McNeill found out about the way her son felt for Eve, the mother was grateful Gabriel had ended whatever it was he had with Marina.

So Mrs. McNeill wondered why Marina was at her door so late.

Marina frowned, stretching her neck to look behind Mrs. McNeill---not having thr sense to reply to the greeting---and could hear the music that was blasting upstairs.

Rudely, Marina demanded, "I came to speak with Gabriel."

Mrs. McNeill lowered a brow, blinking hard and crossed her arms. She inhaled deeply nodding, "Well, that's nice dear. But my son is grounded. His father has forbade him from having any visitors other than his girlfriend."

The woman's blue eyes widened at the flustered look Marina switched to as the teenager curled her fingers, shouting to no one in particular that Eve was not his girlfriend.

"I'm his girlfriend! Not that tiny backstabbing pauper!" Marina growled, shutting her eyes tightly and held up her hand when Mrs. McNeill opened her mouth to speak. "And if he was grounded... then why was he at the party tonight?"

Marina could tell from Mrs. McNeill's surprised look that Gabriel's parents were unaware of what Marina was saying. The mother reiterated with a shake of her head that her son had been upstairs the whole time, and that it was only ten minutes ago that her husband had given up on making Gabriel turn down his music for the fifteenth time.

"Obviously he's pulled one on you as he always does when he sneaks out to stay at my house," Marina drolly replied. She raised a brow, looking at her nails with a frown. She sighed curtly and shook her head, dropping her arms to her sides.

"Mrs. McNeill, I am here to try and reason with Gabriel when he claimed he never wanted me. Because," Marina scoffed, looking upward and tsked, "I mean... come on... we only have been together since forever! He can't think that every time we slept together meant nothing!"

Mrs. McNeill narrowed her eyes, unappreciative of the teenager telling her of the times that she'd been with her son. Nor the audacity of this young lady being so bluntly rude.

Marina was rambling on and on until Mr. McNeill had appeared behind his wife after wondering why Mrs. McNeill had taken so long to answer the door.

The senior was in the middle of saying, "I mean, sure, I was drinking a little more than I can handle but I have no doubt that so was Gabe since, like, Gabe's talking all this craziness of wanting that stupid pauper girl---"

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