ღChapter Thirty-One: Turd Friends

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"Perhaps green would bring out my eyes more? No! Maybe teal? Yes. I think teal would be a better color for my dress. What do you think, Charlie?"

Bea's blue eyes widened, looking at her auburn haired friend. She was holding out two pieces of paper with an identical mid-thigh length dress printed in the middle of each. The one on the right was green. The left was teal.

Charlie shut her compact mirror closed; slipping it back into her purse as she was leaning her head forward to squint at the papers. Bea eagerly held them closer to Charlie's face. Between the space of the papers, Bea impatiently waited for Charlie to say something.

Charlie twisted her mouth to the side, tapping her pointer finger against her chin as she analyzed each dress. "Hm..." she pondered.

Bea started bouncing on the balls of her feet, her brows furrowed with worry. She had been waiting all morning to get the girls' opinion on the dress she'd be buying but wasn't able to ask until now.

"I like this one," Charlie finally stated, pointing to the left photo.

Bea turned the teal dress paper to face her. She beamed. 

Nodding, she quickly spun around to Eve pulling her math book from her locker. Eve was shoving the book into her bag and already reaching for another when her bubbly friend was bouncing impatiently beside her. 

Eve glanced in her direction but didn't acknowledge her until after she retrieved another book.


Bea clenched her jaw, tilting her head to the side, widening her eyes, and shook her hands furiously; the papers rustled loudly. Eve looked from her friend to the pieces of paper. She looked at one and then the other and then back to Bea.

Shrugging, Eve sighed, "I don't know, Bea. You know I've never been good at this game."

Every single time Bea would ask for their opinions on whatever it was that she needed an opinion on, Eve would be no help. And she knew it too, but Bea would insist that Eve participate.

"It's your duty as one of my best friends," Bea once pointed out.

Whimpering loudly with her bottom lip in a pout, Bea sulked, "Come on, Evie! Just pick one!"

Eve frowned. She didn't want to pick one. 

Every time she did this and pointed to one thing, Bea would go with the opposite (which was always what Charlie had picked out first). Eve wouldn't have minded if only Bea wouldn't criticize Eve after for her "incapability to think like a woman". Whatever that meant. 

And Eve would have a few choice words for that too. But that was just getting completely off the subject.

Staring at each dress for thirty seconds, Eve reeled in her lips, squinting in thought. Then she tapped her finger against one paper, "Mmmm, this one." 

She lowered her arm and Bea turned the paper to look at the choice. She scrunched her nose, shaking her head quickly and held up the other paper, waving it from side to side.

"Teal, it is!" she proclaimed proudly, turning the page to smile at it.

Bea glanced at her brunette pal, making a "tsk" sound at Eve. "You ought to brush up on those magazines Charlie lets you borrow, Eve. You really need to learn how to match colors to skin tone properly."

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