ღChapter Twenty-Three: Body Slammed

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There was not a single person who wasn't staring wide-eyed at the Ice Queen suddenly sprawled across the floor. Her brown hair had been flung over her head and one of her shiny heels---which was definitely against dress code--- laid a foot away, near her Prada bag and folder. Marina's backside was halfway up in the air.

With how still Marina was, Eve broke from her surprised state and scrunched her nose, frowning, 'Great... I killed her.'

Luckily, there was the low groan from the teenage girl on the floor. The tall girl's arms bent, prepping to slowly lift her head. Marina's eyes were in thin slits as she stared forward, her lip curled. 

Eve sighed, looking upward. Already she felt Marina's robots turning their gazes to her. Right before Marina's growled in a shout, "PRIIIIINCE!"

Sensing her fellow peers were looking directly at her now, Eve felt the other students around her quickly move away. She was now standing alone. Eve stayed still, watching Marina shove off her friends from helping her up. Marina was looking right at Eve, her gaze narrowed. 

One of her friends held out Marina's shoe to her and Marina growled at her, quickly snatched it out of the other girl's hand before snapping her attention back to Eve. Her nostrils flared and chest heaved heavily. 

Eve took in Marina's heaving posture; her back hunched and her expensive manicured fingers curled in front of her. She noticed that the sole of Marina's heel was being squeezed out of it. 'Poor shoe,' she thought to herself. 

When she lifted her gaze to Marina's, Eve could see the fire in the other girl's brown eyes.

Now, Eve was the kind of girl who wouldn't mind bursting into giggles, but Eve was on a mission. She had to get Marina from catching sight of Gabriel, or else Charlie's lunch date would be ruined.

'Gosh, this is such a pain in the butt,' Eve told herself.

She really needed to reevaluate her loyalty to Charlie. No boy was worth this aggravation. No one was that damn special that Eve now had to risk being the punching bag for Marina's the rest of Eve's high school career. Luckily though, being a senior this year meant the Ice Queen was graduating; unless Marina failed that math class she claimed she was struggling with. That would mean Marina would have to stay a little longer next year.

Crap! Eve really didn't think this through.

Glancing over where Charlie stood with the rest of the group, Eve could see their wide-eyed and horrified faces. Gabriel was the only one who looked amused, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. Eve wasn't sure if it was because of what Eve did to his "sometimes" girlfriend or because Eve was about to be eaten by said "sometimes" girlfriend.

Meeting Charlie's gaze, however, Eve hoped her friend would understand that this was her chance to nab the Bucket Head and book it.

Eve looked back at Marina, still fuming and heaving. Eve wasn't sure how much longer Marina was going to wait before pouncing, so being the more logical of the two in the hallway stand-off, Eve did what any good soldier would do so her fellow soldiers could escape the enemy's' radar. She ran.

It was so quick, the other students jerked back in surprise. Eve made a mad dash in the opposite direction from where Charlie was still standing there in the hall---she really wasn't a good mind-reader. And just as Eve predicted, looking over her shoulder, Marina and her rah-rah robots were after her.

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