ღChapter Forty-Nine: Rocky Road Ice Cream

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"Oh, hello, Eve," Mrs. Winchester greeted with a bubbly smile. She had opened the door finding the teenager waiting on her doorstep. "You're here early."

The woman was barefooted and wearing white Capri pants and a blue halter top. Her dark hair was in pigtails tied with bright yellow bows around each. No matter how many times she'd seen Mrs. Winchester, Eve still couldn't get used to the woman's appearance.

Eve dropped her gaze from the big yellow bows to meet Mrs. Winchester's sparkling one. The teenager nodded, holding up the large container of Rocky Road in her hands. 

"It's girl's day," was all she said.

Mrs. Winchester motioned the teenager inside and asked as she was shutting the door, "And am I to expect Charlie anytime soon?"

There was a brief moment of overwhelming hurt and irritation from Eve but she didn't want to address this with Bea's mother. She wasn't sure if Bea told her parents about what happened with Charlie. 

Eve instead explained that today was just about Bea and Eve. Charlie was otherwise occupied. 

"Oh, alright." The tiny woman pointed up the stairs. "Beatty is in her room. Poor thing is coming down with the flu, I think. She's been lying in bed since yesterday evening and hasn't gotten been herself since."

Mrs. Winchester offered to take the ice cream from Eve  to place in the freezer for whenever they wanted some. Eve nodded, thanking her and handed the cold treat over.

Bea's mother teased that she'll be putting a post-it on it so her husband wouldn't think it was his.

"He's sneaky," Mrs. Winchester whispered, heading to the kitchen.

Eve turned, heading up the stairs. She'd been to Bea's home quite a few times over the years and knew where to go. 

It wasn't hard to find her friend's room, being the only one painted a bright purple with yellow butterflies on it. Eve's artwork was on full display which was done for Bea's twelfth birthday. Eve had gotten the OK from Bea's parents who even provided the paint for her.

Knocking on the door lightly, Eve called out to Bea if Eve could go in. She got a mumbled response and Eve opened the door, frowning at the dark room. She shut the door behind her, moving across the room to pull back the curtains.

Eve faced the bed where Bea was under the covers. Her friend's blue eyes peered over at Eve as the younger walked over. Eve pulled back the covers, kicking off her shoes and climbed into the bed.

Bea placed the covers over them then snuggled closer to Eve. Her friend reached for Bea's hand, squeezing it lightly. Eve could tell Bea had been crying a lot from how puffy her friend's eyelids were.

"Bea..." Eve spoke softly. "I don't think Greg would do anything to hurt you. He cares about you. A lot. Do you really think he'd cheat on you?"

Eve used her free hand to push some blonde strands back from her friend's face before continuing to try to reassure her. 

"The guy looks at you when he thinks no one is looking."

Bea shutting her eyes tightly. She sniffled again, opening her eyes and whispered that she'd been wondering if maybe Charlie was right though.

"I've seen how Kara touches him in class and never has Greg pushed her away. Oh, Evie! I think Charlie was right!"

Bea turned to bury her face into her pillow and Eve frowned. She was upset that Charlie knew how sensitive Bea was. Charlie was out of line with what she said to Bea. Both Eve and Charlie knew that Bea took things to heart which is why Bea was now a mess. 

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