Chapter Sixty-Four: Stay With Me

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Garrett was walking by the hallway with a few of his peers from ASB when he bumped into a blond guy hurriedly shoved passed him. The boy looked over his shoulder, smirking before disappearing. 

The oldest McNeill brother shook his head, muttering to himself as he lifted the red cup in his hand to drink, "Little shit..."

Garrett turned after someone was asking loudly, "Hey! Hey, are you okay?" and he could see a small crowd had formed in the middle of the room. 

Mikey was coming towards Garrett with wide eyes. "Dude! Some chick is having a panic attack or some shit."

Frowning, Garrett handed the cup to Mikey suggesting that they call 911, while starting to get by. His friend shrugged a shoulder, "I dunno. Isn't that normal? She'll get over it." 

But it didn't set well with Garrett to just let someone panic that way. It wasn't right. He proceeded forward, weaving his way through the crowd until Garrett stretched his neck and caught a glimpse of who it was. His eyes widened.


Shoving people aside, telling them to get out of his way, Garrett rushed to Eve, asking if she was alright. Eve was gasping loudly, clutching her fingers so tightly to Garrett's arm that her nails were digging. 

Garrett's heart raced and panic struck him at her not being able to tell him what was wrong. Eve was leaning forward now and had her mouth open, trying to grasp any amount of air into her lungs. 

While Garrett was just standing there asking repeatedly what was wrong with her, Eve was trying so hard to breathe. She couldn't concentrate on anything else but trying to take a deep breath. Her body was numb and everyone—even Garrett—was starting to blur.

Crumpling to her knees in the mashed potatoes, Eve bent forward, her hands out in front of her; hoping that leaning this way would help her out. She needed her bag that was in the car. And the car was down the street.

Garrett noticed the dropped plate and what Eve was kneeling in. His brows furrowed as Garrett knelt down trying to get Eve to give him something! He didn't know what to do! And Eve wasn't looking too good; he noticed how puffy her the skin under her jaw was getting and it suddenly struck Garrett of what was happening to his brother's girlfriend.

He turned around and shouted, "Quick! Somebody get my brother! Gabriel!" 

Garrett faced Eve again, holding up her head and shaking his head, "Hang on, Evie! Hang on!"

Eve gasped, "Gab---" 

She winced, her skin becoming inflamed and it radiated through her body. Her chest was starting to tighten which made it more difficult for Eve to concentrate on taking a deep breath.


Gabriel sighed after turning to his best friend beside him the whole time Marina had been speaking to him. She was pleading for a private talk, but Gabriel crossed his arms and shrugged, "Nope. Sorry. There's nothing you can say that Caleb can't hear."

Marina rolled her eyes and stomped her foot with her hands on her hips.

"What the hell do you see in that little brat, anyway?"

She didn't let him answer since Marina shot out, "You have hated her all these years, and now you claim to like her?"

Gabriel frowned that some of their peers whom weren't bumping and grinding against one another were now staring over at them. Marina really was an attention-getter, and that irked him to no end. 

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