Chapter Sixty-Two: A "Gaberleigh" Moment

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With a quick scoop into Eve's mashed potatoes, Gabriel popped his finger into his mouth. 

Eve frowned up at him, shaking her spoon hand at him. "Get your own plate, McNeill, you Bucket Head!" she growled. 

She turned her attention to the boy standing by her boyfriend and scrunched her nose. "What's your problem?" 

Eve suddenly clicked her tongue against her teeth, snapping her head back at her boyfriend to smack him with her spoon. "Stop it!" she whined, pulling the plate away from his reach. But Gabriel's long arms were no match to Eve's short ones. He easily scooped another finger of mashed potatoes and ate it.

His girlfriend rolled her eyes, shaking her head and told him that if he didn't want to be single in the next five seconds, her boyfriend better quit it.

"I'll shoot you in the balls again, Gabriel! I mean it!"

Gabriel looked at Chris having taken a step back at Eve's threat, and grinned with a shrug, "She's adorable, amirite?"

Without waiting for a reply, Gabriel nodded, "Later, Cleaver" and followed Eve out of the room to the next one. He found them two stools by the counter and they sat there bickering over Eve's selfishness of not sharing her food.

"Well, go get your own! You have legs!"

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at her. He flicked the tip of her nose and Eve gasped, going cross-eyed for a split second.

With the distraction, Gabriel reached over and pulled her plate in front of him. He plucked the spoon out of Eve's hand and shoved a few scoops into his mouth. Gabriel glanced at her, raising a brow. 

Eve's cheek rested in the hand of a propped up arm while her other hand's finger slowly drummed in front of her. Her eyes narrowed, switching between her boyfriend and the plate he had successfully barricaded from her.

When seeing his smirk, Eve shook her head, slamming her hands on the counter. "That's it! I'm breaking up with you!"

She glanced at Gabriel to see his reaction, but the boy looked forward, chewing slowly and chuckled, "No, you're not."

"Ugh! What makes you so sure I won't?" she challenged. Eve leaned forward, raising a brow. She was also secretly trying to figure out how to get to her plate back.

Gabriel, knowing Eve so well, pushed the plate further from her reach and turned his head to grin, "Because you like me too much. And me wallowing in a broken heart for the girl I've been pining for since I was a kid, will make you feel sorry for me and forever be by my side."

He looked upward again smugly, scooping the spoon into his mouth.

Eve narrowed her eyes, staring at him. "And you can live with yourself knowing  I only am with you out of pity?"

Gabriel glanced at her and nodded, raising his brows. He shrugged, "I'm sure you'll learn to love me, Princess. It'll just take a while." He frowned at the mashed potatoes now half gone. "Give or take a few years..."

The teenage girl rolled her eyes, smiling. She had yet to sit down with Gabriel to ask him why he loved her so much. Why her, when the boy had the most prettiest girl in school wanting him.

'And in his bed, apparently,' Eve frowned. 'What a Goober.'

Eve eyed her boyfriend's profile as he looked down at the plate, scraping the side of the spoon against it to pile the last bit of mashed potatoes near the edge. 

'But a very handsome, bucket-headed, and beautifully sculpted Goober,' she grinned to herself.

Gabriel, sensing her gaze on him, shifted his eyes to hers. His brow lowered. "The hell are you staring at, Princess?"

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