ღChapter Eighteen: I Dare You

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The following Wednesday morning Greg was staring at the ceiling in his room. He was usually the first one to be downstairs, eating his breakfast before his brothers. Today, however, he was just staring at the ceiling with his blanket half thrown off him and his arms spread outward. 

Greg had been lying there since two-thirty in the morning. So in a way... he was still the first one up. His mind was just too preoccupied with the stupid scheme he was sucked into the other night. 

For four days, Greg had not been himself around his middle brother. He would see Gabriel and run in the opposite direction. It was tiring for Greg and it was only a few days into this brilliantly thought up---Greg frowned, 'whatever it was Garrett thought this was.'

He just kept thinking how badly this could end. How awful the outcome would be. And once Gabriel found out, he would be severely pissed. Greg knew his middle brother would come full force at Garrett and, to some degree, Greg.

Greg sighed loudly, covering his face with his hands. He groaned, thinking repeatedly about the part he'd have to play out in this stupid thing.

Even from his bed, Greg could hear his brothers from this side of the door. Because he was always the first downstairs, Greg was never able to experience how his brothers got ready for the day. And now that he could, Greg was able to pick on some things he never noticed before.

Like Garrett, for example. He was shouting about not being able to find his favorite watch or his gel. And then their mother could be heard in her soft calming voice to just go without the watch and to borrow one his brothers' gel.

"Go without--- Mom! You can't just go without your flashy watch that you wear every freaking day! It's like going naked!"

Greg rolled his eyes at that. But rolled them even more when he heard Garrett add, "And borrow one their gels? Are you for real, woman? That's like borrowing one of their condoms!"

Mrs. McNeill said something Greg was not able to comprehend, but had clearly heard his father's booming voice.

"Son. That's your mother. Don't talk to her like she's your friend because I will downgrade you to the basement. And I will lock it."

Grinning as he stared at the ceiling, Greg shook his head. Their father really knew how to shut them up with his twisted humor. It was meant to be funny, but the McNeill brothers had learned to read between the lines of their father's dry humor. He would mean business.

Greg turned his head to his dresser, reaching the arm closest to it to grab his phone. His thumb pressed the home button and there was already a text from Bea appearing on the screen. He smiled seeing her name next to the little white envelope blinking back at him.

Good morning! 
Can't wait to see you!

Greg had already known what the text would say. He had memorized this same text. It wasn't new for one of Greg's girlfriends to send him morning texts, but what made this one different, more special, was that it was from Bea. Greg actually looked forward to seeing that specific text from her every morning.

He wrote a quick reply, smiling the whole time until he could hear Garrett still asking if anyone had seen his gel or watch. He even took the time to shout from the stairs to Greg. 

Greg just rolled his eyes again, not really caring to respond.

And then there was Gabriel which distracted Greg from staring at the phone wallpaper of a smiling Bea.

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