ღChapter Forty: Long Overdue

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One Month Later


Eve was leaning her ear against the bathroom door, lowering a brow as she knocked again.

"Mom, are you okay in there?"

She waited for an answer but there was no response other than Riley's hurling. Eve straightened, scrunching her nose. She grabbed the door handle, twisting it a few times to get it open but it was locked.

Eve sighed, turning around and going to the master bedroom where Daniel was lying on his stomach. He had a pillow under his chin as he was flipping through the channels on the TV.

Daniel glanced her way when Eve walked in. He immediately noticed Eve's frown. Daniel sat up and gave a short nod, "You alright, Kiddo?"

"Mom's throwing up again," Eve replied with concern.

Daniel raised his brows, throwing the remote on the bed and standing up to follow Eve out of the room.

When he stood in front of the bathroom door, Daniel called to his girlfriend on the other side.

"Hon, you alright?"

More hurling reached their ears, followed by the flushing of the toilet and Eve scrunched her nose, shaking her head. She glanced up at Daniel and then back at the bathroom door as she claimed, "I'm soooo not eating any of the leftovers from dinner you made her yesterday."

Daniel gave Eve a look before he knocked again.

"Riley, sweetheart...? Can you open the door?"

They stepped back when there was a gurgling noise on the other side and then the door was unlocked. Rileu opened the door and Eve frowned how sick her mother looked. Her skin was pale, the bun holding up her dark hair was now limp and there were dark circles under her eyes.

Riley sighed, closing her eyes and made a face. She shook her head, murmuring how she wasn't feeling well.

Her boyfriend gently held her closer, kissing her forehead and bent to pick Riley up and carry her back to their bedroom. He softly advised she needed to get some rest.

"Evie has a theory my special dinner may have caused food poisoning."

Riley shook her head, her fingers tightening on the front of his shirt as she buried her face into his chest. She groaned.

Eve sat on the edge of the bed her mother was laid down. Riley shook her head again and held her stomach, closing her eyes. Eve glanced at how her mother's fingers gripped to her belly.

Frowning, she leaned over soothingly running a hand on her mother's shin. "Does your stomach hurt again, Mom?"

When her mother started sniffling, Eve looked up at Daniel carrying a wastebasket to the side of the bed and placing a bottle of Seven Up on the side dresser. He stood by Eve, crossing his arms while Riley covered her face with her hands, crying.

Eve lowered a brow and looked up at Daniel. Her nose scrunched as she scoffed, "See...? Your anniversary dinner was so bad it brought her to tears."

Daniel pursed his mouth to the side and narrowed his eyes. The teenager beamed, giggling even though she knew this wasn't the best time to poke fun at her mother's boyfriend.


They both turned to Riley trying to sit up. Eve shook her head and leaned forward to urge her mother back down.

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