ღChapter Twenty-Five: Lesbian Love

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Coach Marcie narrowed her eyes, standing off on the sidelines watching her Varsity Soccer girls in a scrimmage against the JV team. Her brows furrowed, zoning in on one particular player shooting down the field like a bullet. The ball was shifting smoothly from one foot to the other. She'd dodged a JV girl coming from the side; spinning away, the ball still in her possession.

A blonde haired girl on the Varsity team was running a few feet from the player with the ball. She raised her hand and shouted, "Prince! Left! Left!" 

Beads of sweat dripping down her temple, Eve could hear the faint call for a pass but she powered through. She gave a hard nudge to the JV girl coming at her. The opponent was knocked to the ground. 

"Prince! Pass the ball!"

Eve grunted, dodging another player. She spun around the other girl after slipping the ball between the girl's feet. Eve glanced up, seeing the JV goalie readying herself. Narrowing her eyes, Eve reeled her leg back and kicked the ball hard. It went straight passed the goalie who missed it completely.


Eve panted, rolling her eyes upward, hands on her hips. Her back was to her coach and already knew that whistle was for her again.

She panted hard, turning around and looked over at Coach Marcie letting the whistle drop from her mouth. 

The Soccer Coach raised her arms with a clipboard in one hand, shouting,  "Everleigh! Get your head out of your ass and pass. The damn. Ball!"

She ran a pale hand over her face and called the girls to a huddle.

As she jogged over, someone bumped a little harder than necessary into Eve's shoulder. She frowned at her teammate who she had ignored earlier on the field. 

The blonde girl's brown eyes narrowed as she walked passed. She craned her neck forward and lowered her voice enough just for Eve to hear. 

"I can already tell you're going to cost us Championships, Prince. Next time pass the ball, dip shit."

The girls came to a stop in the middle of the field as the rest of their teammates passed them. Once they faced on another, Eve took a step towards the blonde, lip curling.

"Maybe if you wouldn't play so dirty I would pass you the ball, Watson."

The other girl reciprocated the sneer shot her and narrowed her eyes more.

"What...?" she prodded, "Still ass hurt from being benched all of last season? Coach Marcie doesn't play you for this exact reason, Prince. You aren't a team player. You don't know how to share."

Eve snorted, scoffing, "Yeah, neither does your sister."

By this time, there were a few of the other girls on the team circling them. Each glancing at one another and trying to block Coach Marcie from view.

The blonde girl shoved Eve backward as she shot back, "Back off my sister, Prince! Had it not been for you, Marina wouldn't have to order new blueberry pumps!"

Eve stuck out her bottom lip, raising her shoulders and scrunched her nose. She feigned a whined, "Awww... What's the matter? She already has 'original' blue?"

"It's a very distinct shade!" The girl shouted back.

Scoffing a laugh and rolling her eyes, Eve replied, "Please! Maybe if your sister wasn't such a brat and knew her boundaries, I wouldn't have tripped her." She crossed her arms as the girl across from her widened her eyes.

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