Chapter 5 - Part 5 - Investigation

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 The loud squeal came from Sarah. It was honestly more surprising than the dead body. "Simooon!" She yelled. I saw the tears roll down her face. Sarah cared about Simon more than any of us, and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I could feel my hands shaking. Monokuma was rambling about something, but my mind was elsewhere. 

Somebody killed him... Somebody actually killed him... 

 "Why... Why did this..?" I heard Isabelle mumble. I also heard Daniel groan and Mary quiver. I sighed and went to look at his body. It felt so eerie, I decided to take it down so that it wasn't hanging anymore. It at least made it seem less uncomfortable. The other approached the body and looked around the room, but Sarah ran away. Nobody chased her. Daniel stood next to me and said "Dammit, I may have hated the guy but never wanted him dead..."  I sighed and replied "Do you think it was the mastermind?" He shrugged his shoulders. 

 Isabelle suddenly spoke up "Um... Guys, this is reminding me if something I researched..." Mary looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said "Ooh? Do tell my friend!" Isabelle shifted a little and said "Well, back in around like... 2010 or something, there was a killing game in Japan. It was exactly like this one, and during it a girl named Sakura Ogami committed suicide."

Ah, so that's what Monokuma meant by other killing games

 "What's some girl who we don't even know's suicide got to do with this?" Mary asked. "Well here's the thing... That girl did it after being revealed as the traitor. And if we look at the crime scene it makes sense. Locked door, that weird note, the cause of death... Perhaps Simon..."

 The room went silent. Suicide had come up as a possibility again and again, maybe this time it was the truth?

 "Hey, Benjamin." Daniel had turned to me and was talking "Can you go see if Sarah's ok?" I nodded and walked out the room. After a while of searching, I found her in the nurses office. "Sarah!" I called out to her. Once I went in, I saw her staring at the ceiling and pointing. I looked to where her finger was pointing and that's when I saw it. 

That's when I saw the opened vent.

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