Prologue - Part 11 - The Friend Of Issac

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Me and Mary walked around a bit until we finally ran into someone.

It was a boy with brown hair and an apron like outfit. We decided to see if he was the person Issac told us about. "Hello!" I said to him. He looked at me and said "Hey there!" He seemed friendly

 "Is your name Tyler by any chance?" Mary asked him. At first, he looked confused but then he looked like he remembered something and said "Oh, so you've met my friend Issac already?" We nodded "Well yeah, I'm Tyler Hudson, the Ultimate Hairdresser!"

 It seemed surprising that him and Issac would get along, seeing how different their talents were, but they both seemed like nice people. "Oooo, do you run your own hairdressers?" Mary asked him curiously. "Yeah actually," he replied "I do! Well I don't exactly run it, but my dad does and I'm one of the best employees!" 

 Mary seemed interested, but I worried that if she asked any more questions a murder would of happened by the time we were finished.

 "Well we need to go now!" I said. Mary looked at me like a child who had just been told that they can't have any sweets "But Benjamiiiiin! I wanna ask more questions!" I dragged Mary away as I waved goodbye to Tyler

Danganronpa: Ultimate Stars (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora