Chapter 3 - Part 5 - Investigation

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(Just a little tw in advance, from this chapter and onwards suicide is mentioned alot. If you are uncomfortable with those things feel free to stop reading, although it will mainly be brought up during deadly life)

We stared at it in shock. A second murder? Why would somebody want to make us to through the shock of loss a second time?!

The body discovery announcement soon played. I then heard Simon enter the room. "Well, are you satisfied snake boy?" He said, staring at Nathan with cold eyes. "Why the fuck would I be ssssatisfied?!" Nathan snapped, eyes fixed on Archer's lifeless body. "Well you hated his existence this morning, so I'm guessing you wanted him de-"

Nathan suddenly threw what looked to be a pocket knife at Simon. Luckily, he caught it. He stared at it then said "Hey, Nathan, why do you have Archer's pocket knife on you?" 

There was a silence. We all stared at Nathan. "I-I jusssst took it from the body..." Amelia stopped her foot "Liar! We found the body together and you didn't lay a finger on it!" Simon raised an eyebrow and Nathan. Nathan then started leaving the room "It'ssss none of your buisssnesss dick-head! I'm gonna invessstigate Lucy'sss body..." And with that he stormed out the room. 

I turned to Amelia. "Hey, you said you and Nathan found the body together, right? Can you tell me what happened?" She nodded and replied "Well I wanted to go investigate the but I wanted to go with another person since I was scared. I saw Nathan walking around and decided to ask him. He said yes and we both headed in here. But then Nathan said he smelt blood coming from one of the stalls. At the time the stall Archer's body was in was locked, and we were able to break down the door. That's when we found his body." She looked at Archer's body again and a look of dread appeared on her face, but she didn't say anything. 

I noticed that Mary had walked in. I approached her. She noticed me and said "Hi Benjamin, ugh... I can't believe that somebody would do this a second time..." She then went and looked at the floor near the body. "Hey, Benjamin, I think I found some evidence." She pointed to the floor. "There's some smudged blood marks coming from near the body and leading to the other stall..."

 I then noticed something sticking out of Archer's pocket.

It was a note

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