Prologue - Part 1 - The Ultimate Stars Program

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I couldn't believe it. I looked at the building again to make sure I wasn't dreaming but the building was still there, it was still real. 

You're probably wondering a couple of basic things, such as where I am and who I am. Well, I'll start with the where. This place is home to the Ultimate Stars Program.

What's that? Well, sixteen teenagers who excel in a certain thing are chosen for this... Well as don't know what it is exactly but we know there's stars involved. My talent, or as the program puts it Ultimate, is bird watching. I always found it an enjoyable hobby and I'm glad to get recognition for it.

I suppose there's still the question of who, huh? Well, my names Benjamin Quillet. I'm a sixteen year old boy who comes from an average family and other than my bird watching lives an average life. 

I decided to head into the building

Here I go...

One step, two step, three step...


Out cold

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