Chapter 4 - Part 12 - Post Trial

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Monokuma had made a special panel for us to vote for Zoe and Lukas. But not everyone voted for the pair, Simon used Lukas' singular voting panel and just voted for him individually. "You're correct!" Monokuma said, sounding a bit more cheery than the last time "Zoe Grey and Lukas Jones both killed Nathan Ular!"

Nobody spoke. The sound that could be heard was Zoe's crying, but even that was quiet. Eventually, Mary spoke "Why did you do this?" Lukas groaned, then replied "He was a psycho! He would've killed me if I didn't do it first!" He was angry, but didn't look at any of us. "Why drag Zoe into this?" I asked. It was what had confused me the most. Lukas' reason for killing made sense, but Zoe had no connection to any of them. 

 "Well, I wanted to escape with her."

 - Flashback, Lukas' POV -

 Zoe looked at me in disbelief. I had just explained my plan to her, yet her reaction was different from what I predicted. "W-Why would you want to do that... You know full well that we'll be killed it they catch us!" I simply smiled and said "But they won't! I'll blame it on Simon and we'll get away together!" 

 "Why... W-Why me of all people?"

 I was surprised by the question, but only slightly. "Well, I was going to do it last time, when I would be able to bring you with me anyways, but since Amelia beat me to it I have no choice but to use the double blackened tactic!" She stood back slightly "That doesn't explain why." 

 I smiled and said "Well, Zoe, do people really need a reason to do the things their mind says is best? I want you to live, and the best way for me to do that is by murdering him." 

Then, Zoe did the unexpected.

She stomped on my foot and said "You're a psycho! If you think I'm going to kill somebody then you better think again!" I didn't hesitate in my next movement. I pulled out my knife and held it close to her face. 

 "I don't want to hurt you. But this isn't an option. It's a necessity. You'll probably die by snake freaks hands if we don't attack soon." She looked frightened. I felt bad, but this was the only way to get what I want.

"F-Fine... I'll do it..."

 - end of flashback -

The room went silent once again, until Simon muttered.

"Kill him." 

 "Oooh?" Monokuma said "Don't think I heard you there!" Simon seemed to be filled with a sudden rage "Kill him already!" Monokuma chuckled "Are you suuure Si? If he dies so does Zoe!" Simon's anger grew with the bears words. 

 "Stop it!" Zoe shrieked "Just leave him alone you crazy bear! You've hurt him enough alre-" before Zoe could finish, Simon shot her a glare of sorts and she cut herself short. 

 "Well then, if it's what Mr. Lawyer over there wants, let's proceed with the execution!"

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