Chapter 3 - Part 7 - Investigation

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We all ran to the sound immediately, only to see an angered looking Zoe pulling Nathan by the tie. Nathan had a blue piece of fabric held tightly in his hand. "H-Hey! What's going on?" I asked them. 

Zoe didn't look at me, but she replied "Nathan keeps messing with the crime scene! He won't let me look at that fabric!" Nathan hissed at her "You don't need it! It'sss irrelevant to the cassse!" Amelia approached them "Cut it out Snake Freak and Hypnosis Chick! You're both being childish!" Amelia tugged at both their hair, pulling them apart.

I still had the note in hand, Zoe noticed it first. "What's that?" She said pointing at my hand. I showed them the note "We found it in Archer's pocket, does anybody know what Archer's handwriting was like?" I asked them. They both shook their heads. "I see..." Mumbled Mary "So, guess we don't have the right evidence to confirm that this is a suicide..." Zoe seemed to flinch after Mary said that, but nobody else noticed. 

 "Who's 1.2?" Zoe asked. I shrugged my shoulders "We're as clueless as you. It's most likely some sort of code, but it seems off..." Nathan then took the note. He read through it a couple of times, then did the unthinkable. 

He ripped the note into tiny pieces

 "N-Nathan?! What the hell?!" Mary screamed. He ignored us and headed out the door "Everyone elsssse already left for the elevator, we ssshould go assss well." We all stared at him and then at the ripped up note on the floor.

Why was he acting like this?!

One by one we followed him, thoughts swirling in my head.

One by one we followed him, thoughts swirling in my head

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

The third trial... This one seemed like it was going to be confusing...

 This one seemed like it was going to be confusing

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Would we even make it out of this one alive?

I supposed we'd just have to see for ourselves

Danganronpa: Ultimate Stars (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora