Chapter 4 - Part 6 - Investigation

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"Wait, Lukas are you sure about this? I mean, maybe it's just a coincidence?" I said. But Lukas shook his head "I doubt that, I've had my eye on him ever since this game began, he always seems to be plotting, and once he had his hands on Nathan he took his chance." I thought back on the situation, and I then remembered Nathan mentioning a secret... 

Did Simon really kill just to protect this secret? What would it even be...

We went back into the room and saw Zoe lying on the floor near Nathan's body, she was crying and still had Angel rested on her shoulders. Sarah and Isabelle were trying to comfort her while Simon stood near the bed, Mary and Daniel questioning him. "What happened?!" I asked, Mary turned to me and said "Simon and Zoe went off and had a private conversation and now she's crying! And Simon won't tell us why!" 

Simon rolled his eyes "Ask her yourself, because you won't be getting anything from me!" He then left. Daniel approached Zoe "What happened? Did Simon say something to make you scared?" Zoe barely got her words out "I... I did what he asked... W-Why am I scared..." And then she fainted. Daniel tried catching her but due to his size dropped her. I went and rested her on the bed.

I sighed and looked at the others. They all looked fed up, or annoyed and Lukas even looked as if he felt guilty. I then noticed something under the bed. It was a knife, the same one Nathan has used back at the pool. 

I picked it up and showed it to the others "This is probably the murder weapon, right?" I asked them and they nodded. After a while, Simon came back into the room. Everyone looked at him. "What?" He said "Not going to talk? Fine." He then approached the bed and say next to it "I had a small look around in Zoe's room and found out how her hypnotism works." 

 "Why?" Mary asked "Is now really the time for that?" But Simon ignored her "She had notes in her room, saying about how the the hypnotism only lasts twenty-four hours and those hours are up the hypnotized person will need a twelve hour rest." 

 Simon was acting as if this was important, but nobody was paying much attention. "So," said Isabelle "What happened with Zoe?" Simon sighed and replied "Fine, I'll talk. We simply had a small discussion on our suspicions of who the culprit is, but suddenly when I mention Nathan at one point she started having some sort of panic attack, saying things like "Don't hurt me" or "Please". I still don't understand why." Suddenly, Zoe woke up. "Zoe!" I said. "Are you ok?" She didn't reply, just groaned. 

 What's wrong with her? Why is she so scared... I supposed only she knows for sure...

Danganronpa: Ultimate Stars (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz