Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Daily Life

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I woke up and headed to the Mono-Resteraunt. Just another day. But I knew things were going to go wrong one way or another. when I entered nobody looked well. I sat with Nathan, he didn't seem to notice me but just yawned and continued with his breakfast. 

 "Ah Benjamin, you finally arrived." 

 Simon walked up behind me and I gave a polite little wave. He then turned to the others. "Everyone, I have an announcement." I heard a few groans from the others. Simon continued anyway. "I suggest we start looking around properly. Try and see our situation in a better light. Because for the past days we've just been sitting around doing nothing and now look! There's only about nine of us left now!" 

Mary was the first to speak "For once I agree with Simon, we'll just lose more people if we keep letting things just happen." Simon nodded and continued "I say we split up into groups. But first of all," he went up to Nathan. Nathan didn't look at him, but Simon did. He looked right at him. "Nathan, go get some sleep. You look as if you're going to collapse any moment." Nathan didn't complain, he simply got up and left the room. "Wow!" Sarah said in a joking tone "Simon actually cares about someone!" Simon shot her a look then continued. 

 "Lukas and Zoe, you two search together. Daniel and Isabelle as a second group. And  the last three, Benjamin, Mary and Sarah, can group up as a three." I raised an eyebrow. We had an even number of people so why was Simon putting me in a group of three? Although that question was soon answered. "I'll go on my own. You lot only slow me down." He went to leave the room but then Sarah went after him whilst calling "Simon! Wait!"

 The other two groups left and so I did the same with Mary. As we were walking, we noticed a different room. It had a sign "Weapon Room" I mumbled as I read it out loud. "Was this always here?" Mary asked. Suddenly, Monokuma showed up "Ah! It seems you've found the newest room! Seeing as I wanted to keep things fresh like she did in other killing games, I opened up the weapon room a long with the pool area and changing rooms to go with it!" 

 "Wait! Other killing games? And who's this she?!" I asked. But the bear simply chuckled "I'm certain you'll find out soon! Perhaps beanie boy will tell you? Or maybe your E-Handbook will finally place it's trust in you? Only time will tell!" And with that he disappeared.

"Beanie boy? Does he mean Daniel?" I asked turning to Mary. She nodded and replied "Yeah, and I think I knew what he's talking about when he mentioned the E-Handbook." She pulled hers out and turned it on. 

I looked at it

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I looked at it. I recognised the small pixel person, he said his name was Jamie but in all honesty I hadn't looked at the E-Handbook much. I only ever really used it to tell the time. Mary put it back into her pocket and said "Well there's been something unusual with it. Sometimes it says weird things like "Help" or "Escape" and I have this weird feeling that it means something... " I nodded but my mind was elsewhere.

Why did Monokuma mention Daniel? What has he got to do with this?

Then, we suddenly heard a yell. 

 "Get off of me you mad women!"

Danganronpa: Ultimate Stars (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora