Chapter 2 - Part 14 - Post Trial

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We all voted for Tyler, even Tyler himself. "Now that everyone has voted, I can announce that you were all correct! Tyler Hudson was the one who brutally murdered Issac Hill!" Tyler looked frustrated with the bears words. 

 "Why'd you do it?" I heard Zoe mumble. "Why did you kill him?! He was your best friend!" Tyler had his head down in shame, and I heard him mumble "I'm a monster..." He then lifted his head to reveal tears rolling down his face. "I-I killed my own best friend... I should just burn in hell!" His face seem twisted with anger, insanity and sadness. "Just tell us why you did it..." Nathan said in what seemed like almost a soothing voice, as if he was trying to calm Tyler down. 

 "W-Well... It all started when I went to go help Issac.."

- Flashback, Tyler's POV -

I walked into the Mono-Resteraunt and as expected Issac was putting away the party stuff. "Hey Issac!" I said as I approached him. He then turned around and suddenly stood back "S-Stay back!" He then put his hands out as if he was trying to protect himself. 

 "Issac? It's just me." I went closer to him, but that just made him step away from me again. He seemed scared. "L-Listen... I-I got your Two Truths And A Lie..." Issac mumbled. "Show me it." I said in a cold voice. It wasnt intended but he quickly pulled the paper out. 

 "L-Look... You can be honest with m-me! I know that the one a-about you having a pet dog is true... But you've t-told me plenty of times that your d-dad is a nice person... S-So what's all this about-"

I flinched in slight annoyance. I was never really annoyed at Issac but he seemed like he was just stalling. "Show me the fucking paper Issac!" He jumped then handed it to me.

Tyler Hudson

He has a pet dog

He idolized Genocide Jill

His dad abuses him

I looked at it in shock. I had yet to tell Issac about what my dad is really like, I was too scared. But now he though I was some serial killer fan. "I-Issac... This isn't true..." He looked as if he was trying to be calm, but sweat was still rolling down his face "I w-won't tell anyone else.... A-And anyways we've all been through phase like that at some-"

I was starting to get annoyed at his tone. I still had my scissors in hand from my trip to the bathroom with Benjamin, I held them tightly. "Are you serious?" I mumbled. It was quiet, so he probably didn't hear me. "H-Huh?" 

I couldn't control my anger. I lunged at him, scissors in hand and stabbed him in the eye. It was a couple of seconds before I realised what I'd done. I dropped the scissors and put my hands to my face in shock as Issac fell to the floor. "Oh my God- I-Issac I'm so sorry... come one I-I'll get you to the nurses office, we can-"

 "Forget it." I heard him mumble. He then picked up the scissors and before I could say anything, he proceeded to slit his own mouth. "Issac?! What the fuck?!" I screamed in shock and fear. He then handed them over to me. "J-Just d-do it..." He could barely speak due to his slit mouth. I stared at him, my entire body was shaking. "I-It's ok... Y-you can s-s-stab me... Just p-please get it o-over with..."

Tears started forming in my eyes. "I-Issac, I'm so sorry..." He then smiled. "It's o-ok... I-I'd rather d-die by my b-b-best friends h-hands then anyone elses..." He was shaking, he looked as if he was about to collapse.

 "I'm sorry..."

 I stabbed him with the scissors. He fell to the ground and the only sound I could hear was my own heart rapidly beating. 

- End of flashback -

We all stared in shock as he finished his explanation. "Tyler you shouldn't beat yourself up about this!" Isabelle said sadly. I could tell by everyone's faces that they felt bad for Tyler, even Simon seemed on edge. 

 "Don't pity me dammit! It's my fault! A-And Archer... I'm sorry for framing you... I wasn't thinking straight at the time..." Tyler's voice was filled with anger. "Just out of curiosity..." Sarah said in a calm voice. While she still seemed phased by Tyler's behaviour she seemed much calmer than everyone else "What would you have done it you won the trial? You would've been let out of this place and be free to go home." 

 "I-I probably would've just killed myself..." He mumbled. Sarah nodded then stood back. Tyler then turned over to Monokuma and yelled "Come on then you crazy bear! Execute me already! Give me the punishment I deserve!" 

Monokuma chuckled "Puhuhu, very well then! I have a very special punishment prepared for you. Lets give it everything we've got! It's punishment time!"

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