The fire light wasn't too light, but it was enough for me to see that the stain was red. Red like blood. Her hand is bleeding? The thoughts about her and Louis just disappeared from my head, and my anger concentrated on who made this, and what is this.

I grabbed her wrist and looked closely at the glove. Yes, 100% blood.
"Why are you bleeding?"
"I'm not bleeding." she said, trying to pull her arm to her, but my grip was way stronger.

I took her gloves out, feeling her body squirm because of the fabric sticking in her skin due to the blood. When she was free of it, I could see that there were a lot of little cuts, but blood was covering it up.
"Fuck, Harvey." I muttered, looking at her "Who did this to you?"
"It was an accident. Can I go now?"
"There's no way you're leaving like this." I got the book from her other hand.

It was a book full of healing charms.
"What were you looking for?"
"I wanted it to stop bleeding."
"First of all, we need to clean it."
"Excuse me? Who's we?"
"Me and you, obviously."
"I can handle it myself, thank you."
"Yeah, I can see it. Stop arguing and let me do it."

She sighed and nodded. I guided to the couch close to the fireplace so we could get warm. I made a quick stop at my room and got one of my towels and my wand.

I seated by her side, and rested her hand on my thigh. First, I just started to clean it up, with water from my wand and my towel. When the blood was almost cleaned, I gasped at what I saw.

'I must not talk back'

"What the fuck is that?" she looked away "Harvey, answer me."
"A potion didn't work."
"Don't lie to me, who di... Wait, this is what you said to Millicent that Umbridge told you to write in detention." she looked ashamed "Yeah, I heard that. Why did you lied?"

"I didn't. I just didn't said how she wanted me to write."
"Explain to me exactly how it happened." I asked, fearing that it would be what I was thinking.
"She made me write this in a paper a few times. There was no quill, but I could see the words perfectly. After I wrote the first two times, I felt this pain in my hand, and she made me do a few more lines." a shiver came down on my spine. Yup, exactly what I was thinking.

"Look, I can make the scar desapear but is going to take too long and it's going to hurt."
"Fine, do it."
"I have to stop the bleeding first. It will take time until I finish it."
"I won't be able to sleep if this shit keeps covering my bed in blood so take your time."

"You should tell this to your father. His position in the ministry is above her." she scoffed at my suggestion.
"And what should he do?"
"Maybe get her fired? Anything. You can't let her go away with this."
"Well, as you may have noticed, it seems like she and the Minister are pretty close. So even if I tried to, they would probably just deny it and punish my dad."

"They can't do this if you gave them proof."
"Amazing idea. Except for the fact that I don't have any proof."
"I'm holding your proof in my bare hands." I raised my eyebrows, talking about her scar.
"And what do you suggest, my dear? That I fucking cut my hands off and send them through an owl?"
"Send them a photograph."
"I thought about this, but It's a muggle object. It can easily be destroyed or modified." she explained and sighed, both of us defeated.

"Hm?" I didn't take my eyes out of her hands.
"How do you know all of this?" My face got red. She can't know. No one can.
"My father punish his house elfs with this, and I saw they healing themselves." I gave her the worst explanation of all times, but she seems to believe it. Or at least pretend it.

"Now I'll start the spell. It will take a little longer and it will hurt. Oh, and you'll get really sleepy. I'm just warning you so you can be ready and don't scream."
"What should I do?"
"Just keep your mind off of this. I don't know. Sing a song maybe. Or just talk. You can't keep your mouth shut anyway, so just start chattering about anything."

"I don't know about what I should talk about."
"I don't care. It's just so you can distract yourself from the pain. Just tell me about your family."

"Ok. It all started when my grandmother met my grandfather. Both of them went to Hogwarts. Both of them were on Slytherin. They left school already dating, and a few months later they had a child. My father. But their relationship didn't work out, so they broke up. And then, my grandmother met one man. He was a muggle. Which obviously, made my grandparent freak out. But they loved each other, and they started to date. They had another two kids, both of them were muggle. But my grandmother wasn't disappointed. She already had my father. And unfortunately for my grandfather, he just loved his muggle sisters."

"Wait, why the hell your grandmother left a pureblood for a muggle?"
"She didn't love him. That's all. She would never let go of her happiness because of status. Status means nothing. Well, one of the two muggle children was Hermione's mother, who married another muggle and changed her name for Granger." I tried mt best to don't scoff so she doesn't look at me and keep distracted from the pain.

"My father met my mother at Hogwarts. She was a slytherin, and he was a ravenclaw, which probably was my grandma's biggest disappointment. But it doesn't matter, it was for the best. Both of them were smart in class. They actually were in constant fight to see who was the smartest. But in one of their stupid fights they just fell for each other. I've never seen two people more in love then my parents. Even when my mom goes to buy fruits she asks for my dad's company. And he's just the same. Every time I ask why the hell they can't go alone, the answer is the same."

"Well, I can. But it's no fun anymore."

"It isn't scary?" she asked me.
"What? Go shopping with my future wife?" I frowned my eyebrow. I could list at least 500 things scarier than that.
"No, dumbass. Love. It scares me to let someone in. Like, let them change my whole world. I try to be just like my dad and my grandma, but it just scares me that someone will have so much power over me. I don't even know if I want this. It sure sounds great to have someone to love, but at the same time it freaks me out."

"I'm not scared. I will probably just marry someone for business and hope she loves me back." she looked at me with worry in her eyes.
"And what if you don't love each other?"
"Well, that's just life. At least I'll have a lot of fortune for me and my future childs." she chuckled.

"Money doesn't matter in the end. None of this does." she was starting to get sleepy.
"Of course it does. You can buy everything with money and power."
"You can't buy love."
"I don't need it. I can buy respect."

"Yes, you do. You have the same risks to die then a poor muggleborn. And I don't know if you know, but when you die, none of this goes with you. The respect people have for you will die with you. Or do you think if you die right now Crabbe and Goyle will be behind your grave day and night? They won't. Do you think when you die your manor will miss you? Your expansive bed? Your huge dinner table? They won't. But the people that love you will. They always will. And what's the point of living without love?" she said, before sighing and closing her eyes, falling into sleep.

I laid her on the sofa, grabbing one green blanket, and covering her there.

"I guess I have to find the answer to that on my own." I muttered before heading to my room.

I really hope you liked it!

This is the born of their relationship outside of the bedroom, and I couldn't be happier we got there!

On the chapter 13 I will post a picture of how I see Louis (you obviously can see him the way you want, but I see him as Gregg Sulkin and I got the perfect picture of him🥰).

Lmk what you think and if there's any typos so I can correct it as soon as possible!

Tkysm again for all the love, see you!!!

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