Ch.26 Home Sweet Home

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Heaven's POV

My tears fell as soon as I closed the front door, the moment that I dreaded the most already happened. She already found out my secret and I know who told her that.

I'll kill you David.

I cursed as I walked away still crying, I don't know where to go.

I don't know how long I'm walking but I ended up on Maggie's front door. I pressed the doorbell continuously until she opened it.

"The heck, what's the problem?" She asked me anxiously the moment she opened the door. My eyes were sore, I walked passed her and sat on her couch.

"Heaven---" she's about to talk again but I lifted my hand to tell her to shut up.

"Do you have whisky?" She nodded and walked to her kitchen immediately. I leaned my back on the couch and closed my eyes.

You're in love with your own brother! You disgust me! If I could just turn back the time I won't let you touch me! I won't even touch you because you fucking disgust me?!!

It hurts so much whenever I remember what she said, she didn't even gave me a chance to explain myself.

"Here" she poured the whisky on the glass and gave it to me, I opened my eyes and reached for it. I emptied it in an instant and took another shot.

"I assume Mischa already found out" she said then sat beside me.

"Yeah and she threw me out" I said flatly.

"Did you ride a cab?" I frowned when she asked me that.


"Seriously you walked from Mischa's condominium to here? That's far" I didn't notice that before.

"Well that's what broken hearted people can do" I said sadly. She shook her head while tapping my shoulders to comfort me.

"She's so unfair. She hurt me many times before but I accepted all of it because I love her. But me? I lied because I want her to notice me, because I fucking love her. This is so unfair, she's so unfair" I said as I let my tears fall down. She leaned closer to hug me.

"Heaven love is naturally unfair. Let's just say she doesn't love you enough to bypass what you did" I didn't respond, I just kept on crying. Maggie was right, actually she's always right.

If I could just turn back time as well I wouldn't cross the pedestrian lane so that I won't see her crying and passing by. My stupidity led me to this, I let myself be hurt.

"I just wanna die" I said before retreating from our hug.

"Don't be stupid. That's just love" she said while poking my forehead.

"I know but it hurts so much. Every word that she said hurts like hell"

"David told her I'm sure of it" I added while gritting my teeth.

"Can't blame him, but I think it's the right time that she found out the truth" I gave her a questioning look. She sighed before speaking.

"Heaven. The truth hurts for a while but a lie hurts forever. At least she already knows it and I believe that time could heal the pain that she's experiencing right now and vice versa" she explained gently. I understand her but again it hurts so much.

"She said she learned to love me but she didn't even gave me a chance to explain my side. She's close minded" I said then wiped my tears using my baggy shirt. On the other hand it's a good thing that I wore my shorts before she came home, I don't like to be kicked out of her house wearing just my undies. The thought of it made me smile somehow.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt