Ch.3 My house, my rules

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Mischa's POV

"Okay I will let you stay here for a while" I said while sitting on my couch facing her. She's very happy like a little child, I can't help myself not to feel the same when I saw her happy face, I can't believe myself. I left home because I don't want my parents controlling me, I'm an only child and I don't like sharing my things to others especially if we're not close.

"Thank you!" she stood up and about to hug me again when I raised my hands to stop her from coming closer.

"No don't hug me please" She nodded hastily in response before sitting down again. I'm just silent while gazing at her intently but I yawned after a few minutes because I'm tired already, I feel so sleepy though I slept well earlier.

"Let's go to sleep for now. We'll talk again tomorrow" I said before standing up.

I headed to my room immediately to brush my teeth. I'm used to my room being dark whenever I'm about to sleep so I didn't bother turning the lights on.

I threw myself on my bed when I'm done, I was about to reach for my blanket when I recoiled because I felt someone beside me. I opened my lampshade immediately and saw Heaven lying with my blanket wrapped around her body. I pushed her out of my bed in annoyance, she stood up immediately and gave me a questioning look.

"You're not sleeping with me! Sleep on the couch!" I yelled while pointing to the living room.

"Huh? I'm too tall to fit on your couch" she replied yawning.

"I don't care! You're gonna rape me when I'm asleep!" I said accusingly but she just gave me a confused look, she didn't get what I meant and thought for a while.

"So how does a girl rape a girl?" she asked me afterwards, I was about to respond when she spoke.

"Aha! Using this!" she said while raising her right hand. My eyes widen in embarrassment, I reached for my pillow and threw it to her direction immediately.

"You little pervert get out of here!" I shouted before throwing another pillow at her. She immediately ran to the door and left.

I groaned in so much embarrassment becuase of what she said.

"What have I gotten myself into?"


I haven't slept well last night and my eye bags are so visible. I was awake until four in the morning because I'm thinking of the money that I spent with the wrong person.

It's Sunday today thank God.

I'm already awake but I don't want to get up yet. I just want to lie down on my bed and relax while my eyes are closed. I am enjoying the moment when I heard a knock but I ignored it.

"Mischa I'm hungry" she said after knocking twice, I ignored her again. I let her live with me but that doesn't mean that I will cook for her.

I don't want to anger myself this early so I pretended that I'm still sleeping. She didn't insist when I didn't respond on her knock. I'm rethinking everything that I'm doing, it's been only 24 hours since I lost all the money that I save for 2 years, and now I have an orphan.

What's wrong with me? I think I'm going to grow some white hair.

I'm really feeling so lazy today. I'm about to drift to sleep again when my stomach started groaning.

"Fudge I'm hungry" I have a mild ulcer so I don't have a choice but to stand up and eat.

I wonder what she's doing. I asked mentally while walking lazily to the kitchen.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now