Ch.15 Maggie

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Heaven's POV

"Maggie, what do you think fits her?" I asked while pointing to the rings inside of the glass.

"So you're like proposing to her?" She leaned closer to check the designs.

"No, it's just a friendship ring. She won't accept it if I have a reason aside from that"

"So you're wasting your parent's money to buy Mischa a friendship ring? That's pathetic" she said while shaking her head. I gave her a simple smile.

"You're so foolish, you could've buy her a fake one. Why would you buy here on Winston" she added.

"Because I want it to be special" I replied simply.

"Miss, can I see the one with the moon engraved on it" I said to the clerk.

"Still, she would think of that as a cheap one. Her mindset is that you can't afford a Winston" she looks funny right now, she's really convincing me to buy Mischa a cheaper one.

"Precisely my point Maggie. She wouldn't think that I can afford an expensive one that's why I don't mind buying her this" I said lifting the ring that I chose. She rolled her eyes in surrender.

"It's beautiful isn't it? Simple yet elegant" I said happily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" she said making a face. I laughed by her reaction. I gave the clerk my credit card. She swiped it then examined my face. I made a peace sign then mimicked the smile on the picture on her monitor. She chuckled.

"Don't worry you're way cuter now than your picture here" she complimented me before giving my credit card and receipt.

"Thank you miss" I said flattered.

"Let's go Maggie" I said grabbing her hand, I stopped as soon as we stepped out of the boutique.

"What's wrong?" As asked me confused.

"It's David" I said pointing to my brother, he's walking to our direction but I don't think he noticed me.

"Oh, he's handsome in person" I rolled my eyes at her then led her to the opposite direction. I don't want him to see me, it's been Five months since we last saw each other.

After minutes of walking we ended up in an ice cream parlor.

"Seriously, your brother is hot" she said while licking her sundae.

"I know right , that's why Julia chose her over me" I don't have the appetite to eat right now because my mind is on my brother, he entered Winston as well, I'm wondering what he's gonna buy.

"Earth to Heaven" she snapped at me.

"You already moved on from Julia right?" I glanced at her.

"Yes" I replied mindlessly.

"So why don't you forgive your brother yet?" I sighed before speaking. I grabbed her sundae and licked it as well, she was surprised by what I did but I didn't mind it. I just want to know if it's delicious.

"Actually I'm not mad at him anymore, I just don't want him knowing my whereabouts and Mischa. I'm sure he'll seduce her if he finds out. I don't know what I'm gonna do if Mischa left me because of him" just by talking about it makes me feel sick and sad already.

"So he's a homophobic, too bad he's really handsome" she snatched her sundae.

"No, I don't think he is, he just doesn't want me liking girls" I said bitterly. If I were to choose of course I want to be in love with a boy, it's less complicated and accepted by everyone because it's a norm. But I can't teach myself who to fall in love in this moment, they say it is only a phase and I don't care about that. All I want right now is Mischa.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now