Ch.2 You found me

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Mischa's POV

"What is your name?" I asked while raising my brow.

We're in the dining area, she passed out at my front door. I wanted to report her to the police, but my conscience is bugging me so I carried her to my living room and gave her ammonia to wake her up.

"Heaven" she said while chewing the noodles that I gave her. The name Heaven justified her appearance, I groaned to myself because I don't like people who talks while eating.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full" I said while sipping my coffee.

"Don't ask me when I'm eating then" she said while slurping her noodles.

"Excuse me?" I asked curtly.

"Joke" she said hastily while making a peace sign.

it's not funny! I yelled mentally.

"Go home after you eat, I have a business to do" I said before standing up.

"Can't I just stay here? You're my Girlfriend" I stopped walking and glared at her. I already forgot that but she made me remember it again.

"I can't believe that you're still insisting that. Stop lying and get out of here when you're done eating!" I said annoyed, she's giving me the nerves again. I left her in the kitchen and headed to my room afterwards.

"I should've let her outside and reported it to the guards instead" I mumbled to myself while removing my clothes. I haven't taken a bath yet so it's time to do it to ease the annoyance that I'm feeling.

I'm finished after half an hour, I silently peeked behind my door to check  if she already left.

"Yes!" I rejoiced when I didn't see her in the living room.

I'm humming a song while putting on my lotion when my phone suddenly rang. I left it on the couch so I put on my bath robe immediately and ran to the living room. I'm about to pick it up when I heard something fell on the floor in the kitchen.

"I told you to go home!" I yelled before putting back my phone on the couch. I walked fast to the kitchen and was surprised to see her picking up the pieces of the broken plate.

"The hell happened?" I rushed to her.

"Uh... I broke your plate, then I tried to pick it up then-"

"Shut up!" I said before grabbing her hand to wash it on the sink.

Stupid! She's beautiful but stupid.

The blood won't stop so I sucked her finger, that's what I do when I was younger, actually until now because it's quite effective though it's not advisable because it's dirty. I don't know how long I'm sucking her finger but when I looked at her she's smiling.

She's enjoying this huh? I removed her finger from my mouth and shoved it into hers.

"Suck your own blood" I headed to my room to get my first aid kit afterwards. She's making my life miserable, she broke my precious plates.

She's sitting on the couch while still sucking her finger when I returned. I smiled when an idea suddenly came up. I'm gonna make her life miserable as well.

"Give me your hand" I commanded as I sit in front of her. It's wet because of her saliva so I didn't touch it. As soon as she gave me her hand I immediately pour the 70% alcohol. She grabbed her hand and screamed in pain which caused me to laugh so hard.

I picked the cotton to wipe her finger when I finished laughing, but my smile disappeared as soon as I saw her face.

Oh crap what have I done? She's massaging her finger while sobbing, her face full of tears.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now