Ch.29 Scars

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Mischa's POV

It's been a week now since Heaven woke up and it's the first time that she called me.

"What's the problem?" I asked her as soon as I arrived in her room. She called me earlier because her head started to hurt. It's better that she's thinking of me as her friend than nothing at all. This way I can make her remember things little by little.

"My head started to hurt, I didn't call King because he's in the convention" she said while massaging her head. My face turned red when I saw what she's wearing, her usual baggy shirt and underwear. I walked closer and sat on the bed facing her.

"Let me" I said and massaged her temple.

"That feels good" she said smiling while her eyes closed. She's obviously enjoying what I'm doing. We're inches apart, my eyes averted to her pink lips, I missed kissing her. She moaned in pleasure and that made me blush more. The scene on where I kissed her on the couch came rushing back to me.

I really wanna kiss her I said mentally and about to do it when she opened her eyes. I flinched when she blew some air on my face. I almost fell on the floor because of what she's done.

"What's with you today?" She asked me chuckling, my heart beats fast, she didn't freaked out when she saw me almost kissing her. I looked at her intently as if analyzing her movement.

"Did you already take paracetamol or ibuprofen?" I asked her flatly.

"Yeah I did, the doctor said it's normal, the real reason why I called you is that I'm bored" she said sighing.

Now that I noticed it, it's the first time that I entered her room. The walls were painted in black and violet. There's s portrait of her on the right side of the wall. A small fridge on the right side as well, 50 inch led TV and another door that leads to outside.

"Why do you have an extra door?" I asked pointing to it.

"Oh. Nothing, I'm too lazy to use the main door" she said still massaging her forehead.

She's really weird, I used to know her as my Heaven and she's pretending that time. Now that she's back to her real self I wanna know her more. I kept on walking to ease the awkwardness that I'm feeling inside me.

"What's this for?" I asked her curiously when I saw a pellet gun beside her bed.

"I don't know, maybe I used that before to shoot something... A lizard for example or the bulb" she said clueless.

I frowned when I saw an umbrella hanging on the ceiling.

"What the fudge" I muttered when I recognized it. That's my favorite umbrella that I lost one year and ten months ago. I can't be mistaken, it's personalized so I know that it's mine.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped at me.

"Huh? Uh that umbrella" I said pointing to it. She followed my gaze and she frowned.

"What's with that?" I asked her, she gazed at it for a while before she spoke.

"I don't know. But it's cute" she said while shaking her head gently.

Of course it's cute, I designed that myself. I replied mentally.

"Why am I asking you in the first place? You have amnesia" I muttered sighing.

"But it must be important" she said after a while, I looked at her intently.

"How can you say so?" I asked her curiously.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora