Ch.18 First Time

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Mischa's POV

"Where are you going?" She asked while hugging me from my back, it feels awkward. I don't know but I'm not comfortable with her being clingy, I sighed in my mind. It's my fault because I stopped her from leaving, I allowed her to touch me whenever she wants to, not that intimate but still it feels really awkward.

I'm preparing my clothes because David and I will have a dinner.

"Do I really need to answer that?" I said as I picked up the white crop top that I found.

"Of course, so that I won't worry" she said then hugged me tight. I removed her hand on my waist to face her.

"I'm gonna have a date with David of course" I said truthfully. I feel guilty but it's better to be honest. I'm expecting her to give me a sad expression but she just smiled at me. That's weird. My mind said.

"What time are you going home?" She walked to my closet to search for something.

"I don't know, but I'll go home that's for sure" I said still frowning.

"Please don't come home so late, I'll be waiting for you" she said sweetly then gave me my favorite jeans.

"Wear this, it fits you" I'm really surprised right now, she even chose what I'm gonna wear for my date. She must be really crazy.

"Thanks, I'll try to go home early but I can't promise"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" She said then leaned closer to kiss me. I like it when she kisses me, but I didn't respond.

"I'll see you later, I have to buy something. Good luck on your date" she said before closing the door of my room.

"Moron" I said while shaking my head, it's like she's allowing me to be unfaithful though we're not in a relationship.

As usual David waited for me in the lobby, I told him to just wait for me in his house but he insisted to fetch me. I told him that I'll cook Carbonara for him. He bought a new house, he said when we get married it will be mine as well so I'm really excited to see it.

The front gate opened automatically as soon as we arrived. I'm impressed but I didn't show it. His house is super big for the two of us. I don't fancy mansions, I'm contented with a medium sized house but I don't want to argue. It's his house anyways.

"Good afternoon ma'am, sir" we're welcomed by his maids. I smiled before walking to the kitchen. I want to cook the carbonara as soon as possible so that we can enjoy it because it's already sunset.

"Do you want me to help you?" He offered, he walked closer and tied the apron on my back.

"No, it won't take long so please wait me in the living room" I said sweetly. It only took me 20 minutes to finish the spicy carbonara. I cleaned the kitchen area and prepared the food on the dining area. I called him when I'm done, he was smiling widely when he saw what I prepared.

"You're really ready!" He said as he pulled a chair to enable me to sit.

"Ready for what?" I asked him smiling,

"Ready to be my wife" he said before giving me a peck on the lips.

As usual we talked and talked while eating, the wine and ice cream that he bought from Paris is very delicious.

"I'll make sure to buy this peanut ice cream when I go to Paris" I said while removing the peanut bits on my mouth using my spoon.

"You're weird" he said chuckling,

"Why?" I asked her confused.

"You like that peanut flavored ice cream but you're not eating the peanut bits" he said pointing on the peanuts that I put on the side of my plate. I laughed by his remarks.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now