Ch.4 Pink Umbrella

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Heaven's POV

1year ago...

"Why do you have to steal everything that I want?" I yelled to his face before I pushed him away with all my might. I hate him so much.

"Because she's not for you, you're just confused" he replied nonchalantly. I hate it when he acts as if he knows everything. I'm a big girl now, and I don't need him.

"It's none of your business! Stop making my life miserable!" I yelled in anger before running out of his car. It's raining outside and I'm wearing my uniform, but I don't care at all. All I want is to get out of his car and run away because I don't want to be with him.

Why does it have to rain? I asked myself mentally.

It's weird because it rains whenever I get extremely sad. My name should be rain and not Heaven. I sighed heavily afterwards.

"Julia" I muttered while looking at the sky, I'm in junior-high now and I had an affair with my tutor which my brother fired and seduced to become his girlfriend.

Julia was my tutor and supposed to teach me trigonometry but she didn't, instead she taught me how to kiss and touch her which I find enjoying but don't get me wrong, we didn't have sex, just petting.

People are looking at me with worried eyes because I'm soaking wet. I don't know where I'm going, I just want to walk to ease the pain and anger that I'm feeling. I stopped when the traffic lights turned red.

I'm still holding the bear that I'm supposed to give to Julia, while standing at the end of the pedestrian. The rain is heavy that even my underwear is soaked wet. I frowned when I'm not feeling the raindrops anymore. I looked up and saw the pink umbrella, shading me from the rain.

I glanced on my right side immediately and was surprised to see a beautiful woman standing right next to me. She's looking straight to the other side of the pedestrian.

I got curious when I realized that she's crying. The rain can't hide it because her eyes are sore. I'm about to say something to her when she suddenly handed me over her umbrella. I accepted it subconsciously while still focused on gazing at her. She started walking when the traffic lights turned green, leaving me dumbfounded.

"Why is she crying?" I mumbled curiously.

I didn't call after her, I just watched her walk across the pedestrian and waited until she's out of my sight before crossing the street.

"University High-school" I muttered.  That's the sign at the back of her jacket, there's a part of me that suddenly became interested on her and from that moment on I decided that I will enroll in her school next year.


1 Year later...

I did enroll in the school were the girl who gave me her pink umbrella is studying. The umbrella remains untouched inside my room. I know that it's impossible to find her in a big school where college and high-school are mixed,  but I don't care.

What if she already graduated? I asked mentally.

"I don't care" I replied to myself while focused on typing the codes on my computer.

My parents and brother was against my decision at first but I threatened them that I won't continue my studies if they won't allow me.  A lot of people thought that I'm a spoiled brat high-school girl but I'm not. I just don't like that my family is forcing me to do the things that I don't want, especially my controlling brother who stole my first crush.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now