Chapter 13: The Best Betrayal

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"Whoa," I whispered. "What is this place?"

"A tree, a place where I do my best thinking."

"What do you think about?"

"The future perhaps."


"Well, I hope it's the future."

"What do you mean?" he turned around and took a few steps in my direction.

"I see someone," he says bending down to pick up a cream colored shell. "Someone I very much need in my life."

"Does this someone have a name? Features to describe what they look like?"

"She is very strong, but she doesn't see it. She's full of hope, and she's clever."

He stood up and twisted the shell in his fingers, before taking another step towards me. I watched him with inquiry as he stopped twisting the shell.

"The only other thing I can see about her is that..." he paused and twisted the shell around his fingers once more before a light green mist twisted around them and a brown leather strap attached itself to the shell. He took more steps until he was behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he leaned in and weaved his arms around my neck, pulling my hair to the side. He then placed the necklace around my neck and whispered, "she's wearing a shell necklace." His warm breath gave me goose bumps in the now chilled air.

It took me a moment to realize what he had just said. I was his future. What did that mean? Then it hit me, like the green smoke now clouding my vision. I was right to be afraid, I was seduced by Peter Pan.

The smoke had vanished almost as quickly as it appeared. The tree house was gone, replaced by tents, a bonfire, and a tree. One that I was strapped to. Annoyed I squirmed and called out into the silence. "Peter!"

"Yes?" There it was again, his warm breath on my neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" I barked. "I trusted you!"

"Isn't that the best betrayal though? When the ones you love and trust, are the ones working for the King of Neverland?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about," he grinned.

"No actually I don't."

His smiled formed into a pout, and he called out, "Felix!"

My heart sunk when I saw him. Felix walked out of a tent with a club hanging off his shoulder. His smile didn't falter, but it seemed forced.

"Yes Pan?"

"We're going to throw a party, for our guest of honor!" he smirked. "The boys are going to have a fun night. It's been a long time since we've had a girl on the island." he turned to Felix, "I love parties."

I almost vomited in my mouth. "Are you kidding?"

"No." His evil grin returned. "I do love parties."


It was almost night when the boys arrived. Some didn't notice me at first, but the others who did kept their distance. Occasionally they would glance in my direction, but avert their eyes if I caught them looking. Peter made them seem so sick. The way he said it, made them seem like they would enjoy me. Like I would be a play thing they could toss around. Looking at these boys, they just seemed...lost.

Peter came out of his tent and walked up to me holding a dagger in his teeth. I observed him as a smile formed on his lips. He lifted his eyebrow and spit the knife in his hand. "Here's how it's going to work Princess, I'm going to cut these knots, and if you think about running away or attempting to hurt me or my boys...well let's just say I have something planned."

I eyed him and then nodded. I was oddly intrigued by him I had to admit. He wasn't hard on the eyes, speaking of which his eyes were the kind you could get lost in, which I guess I did.

His hand glided across mine, rough and callused, it was enough to send goose bumps up my arms. The island seemed to be listening to me and it sent a wave of chilled air through the camp.

"Gets cold this time of night," he replied.

I shrugged agreeing with him, I didn't think he noticed the goosebumps came from the ghost of his fingertips gliding along my skin. I looked down as he pulled away and the knots fell from my wrists. I smiled and placed a sarcastic look on my face, " really showed me how you treat a guest."

"Oh, not just any guest. The guest of honor."

"Oh so," I whispered rubbing my wrists, the previous scars burned from the rope. "you have a special plan, does that involve me dancing around in war paint and a head dress?"

He raised his eyebrow and a smile parted his lips, "Come with me, I think I have something."

I eyed him, but he just returned the favor, and added a smile. I was getting myself in too deep, I could feel and see myself drowning in this boy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

"You comin' in or what?" he asked. "Sorry it's such a mess, I don't usually let anyone in."

"Really? Is that what you tell all the girls you tie to trees?"

"Ha ha."

I bit my lip as I stepped inside the tent. It was a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. There was a bed at the very end of the tent, covered in a bear skin rug. To the left stood a small table made of branches with a few busted metal cups and plates. There was a picture frame sitting on the table lined with a pearl necklace. The glass was broken near the face so I couldn't quite make out who it was. "Over here," he laughed sitting on an old brown trunk lined with brass clasps.

He patted the space next to him, "I'm a boy who likes to play games."

"Games? What does that have anything to do with face paint?"

"Well, I'm about to make you a deal. I want to learn more about our guest of honor and you want an outfit to this celebration." his boyish smile never let his lips. "Let's play a game, I'll make a move; then you. Whoever breaks first, looses."

"Alright. You first."

"Okay...why did you run away?"

He leaned in closer, "I never told you I ran away."

"You didn't have to, I can see it in your eyes."

His warm breath could be felt on the tip of my nose and my neck. I bit my lip, "Abuse." came out as a whisper.

"Your turn."

"I can make any move right?"

He bit his lip, "Any move that you feel necessary."

I let out a breath, and licked my lips. I turned my attention to his lips, they were, well they were inviting. They looked warm, and soft and they were calling to me, I don't know why I just had to. I laced my fingers around his collar and pressed my body into his.

There was something, a spark maybe, when our lips touched. It was a sense I had only felt once before, the sense I had felt when I was on the Jolly Roger. Home.

He pulled away and rubbed his lips that were formed in a smirk. "What did you expect? A feeling, a spark, maybe a game changer." He laughed. "You don't think that was supposed to make me feel something for you. Did it?"

My cheeks flushed, I could feel the embarrassment spread through my skin. I looked down and whispered, "Your turn."

His laugh echoed in my ears. The ghost of his fingertips still lingered on my arm. "Well that was fun, but I think you lost." He pointed to the trunk I was sitting on. "There's a headdress in there and some clothes that might fit you. I'll give you 20 before I come in."

And with that I watched as he left and it felt like the weight of the world was crumbling on my shoulders.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now