Chapter 23: Poison?

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I lifted my head and immediately doubled over. My body was burning, and all my muscles ached. But that didn't terrify me, what terrified me was that fact that Peter was laying in the bed next to mine with boys surrounding him.

"Get Felix!" One shouted.

"We need Felix!"

"Where is he?"


My mind was spinning. I was trying to keep track of all the chaos when Felix ran in, panting. "Move out the way! All of you, give him some space!" He barked pushing the boys away from the cot.

He lifted Peter's chin with his fingers and stared at him intently. His eyes were focused on his skin right underneath his ear. I caught a glimpse of the wound, it was a trail that led all the way down from his left ear, down his jawline, down his neck, and across his left shoulder. "It's a deep cut." He stated, "and the blade was dipped in nightshade."

The boys all shot looks of confusion, searching around each other's faces for the possible culprit, if any. None let on.

"What about the girl?" One called out gesturing towards me. I was too confused to process what Felix had said about Peter, or to understand what was happening with me.

Felix turned towards me and placed a hand under my back, helping me sit up. I groaned and almost threw up, but I was determined not to let it out. He sighed and rested two fingers on my wrist. "Your pulse is weak," he whispered. "You're most likely tired." he let me back down gently, but I laid more onto my right arm and a shock of pain shot through my back. I groaned louder than I had earlier, and Felix shot back around.

He gently lifted up my arm and examined the crook. There was a slight bulge, and in the center was a black dot, and it's 'arms' were my veins.

"Shit." he whispered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear. "We need to take her with us."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"She was given liquid from the Narr plant." Felix said calmly. "She HAS to go with us."
The boys nodded. "But it's too dangerous to take everyone. We need a small group. One from every area of training. Preferably the leaders of each group."

Four boys stepped forward. I couldn't remember all their names, but I knew one. Dylan. He had a smile on his face, and I swore it looked sinister, but I couldn't tell from all the stars spinning in the corner of my eyes.
"Slightly, group leader of Arms.
John group leader of the Artificers.
Ty the group leader of the Temptests.
And Dylan, group leader of the Botanists."
The boys nodded, and the ones behind them agreed as if it weren't already obvious who they were.
"Pack up." Felix ordered as he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Now!"

The boys ran in the direction of the tent flaps that were now pulled back by two black haired boys. When the crowd finally cleared out, there were only 7 people left in the room. The four group leaders, Felix, Peter, and I.

Felix knelt down on his knees. "It's alright," he whispered. "We're going to get you both out of this mess." I nodded although it hurt. I didn't know what the Narr plant was, but I assumed it was poisonous, but not as deadly as nightshade.

"Alright boys!" Felix called standing up. "We have less than 24 hours. When did you find him?"

"We found him about 3 hours ago. Up by hangman's tree. Took us an hour just to get him down the hill." John said.

"We don't know how longs he's been up there. The blood was pooling when we got up there. I think it was recent when we arrived." Ty explained.

Felix eyed them. "And just EXACTLY why were you up there?"

The three boys looked over to Dylan. "HE said there was some business we needed to take care of." Slightly eyed him.

"And what was that?" Felix asked, anger rising in his voice.

Dylan shot glances to the side, "We just needed to...ummm...."

Slightly, John, and Ty turned their bodies towards him. He was now surrounded in a semi circle and was being backed up to the wall of the tent.

"And what was that, Dylan?" Felix spat again.


Felix held out his hand and the boys stopped walking. "There's no need for this," he said calmly. "Dylan and I just need to have a little talk. Outside. Now."

He headed outside and Dylan didn't need a push to get going. He shuffled his feet as he went and I could only imagine what was about to happen.

"Keep your temper," I whispered under my breath. "Oh god keep your temper."

Suddenly someone groaned, I could hear skin on skin contact. Dirt was being kicked into the air and twigs were snapping every five seconds.
Before long Felix walked back in the tent, his eyebrow busted open and blood was dripping down. His clothes were dirty and his hair was mud covered.

"It seems Dylan won't be joining us this evening." He calmly informed after wiping away his busted lip. He examined the blood on his sleeve and then looked up at everyone, "Well? What are we waiting for?"

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now