Chapter 20 (part two): Any Time Now

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As I gazed over the three faces, my stomach knotted. I couldn't look at them, the look of disgust and disappointment said it all. I closed my eyes hard, but looked back at them once again. "Killian?"
He shook his head and stared contently at the floor. I regretted it as soon as I said it.

"Oh, so you DO know him." The person who captured me said. Now that I had light to see, I turned and looked up at him. A toothy smile, glittering green eyes, and dark hair tucked underneath his hat. It was Petey, the guard who tried to help me escape, the one who also died right in front of me.
"What's wrong dear? Afraid to see me alive?" I shook my head and inched backwards.
"If you're working for the blue fairy..."
"I'm not." he scoffed. "Trust me, she's powerful; but there's others. Ones with more experience. Ones with a better understanding of how others work. Ones with allies, reliable ones..."
"So what do you want with me? I'm nothing like that. If you have your "great and powerful" sorcerer, how am I of any use to you?"
"You're a lot more powerful than you think."
"Everyone keeps saying that." I shot a look at the other boy sitting slumped against the wall with his head dangling. Peter. "But I don't know why. I'm not powerful. I have no magic. No friends or family. Who am I supposed to fight for?"
"No, I will not fight for someone who forces me to."
"What about for Baelfire?" Petey's voice urged. I turned and watched him walk towards Baelfire, the other boy sitting in ropes. He was out cold it seemed until he was lifted by the back of his neck. Blue light shot through Petey's fingertips and lit up the veins in Bae's neck. He let out a groan and his eyes opened wide. Blue light shot through them, outlining his pupils.
"Bae!" I shouted. Petey let go of him and he fell to his knees, eyes wide open staring at me.
"Oh don't worry my dear," Petey smiled. "He's not gone. Not completely."
"What about the Blue Fairy's control over him?" I scoffed.
"You know how I was talking about that "higher power", yeah, well they have a few tricks of their own."
"So he's not in any danger where she's concerned?"
"Not that she thinks."
"If this is true, then I guess..."
"NO!" Killian shouted. Our eyes met, his pleading and desperate. Mine, they must have conveyed what I felt. Miserable, but my mind was made up.
"I am under your control. What ever you want, I'll do it, just PLEASE don't hurt them. Any of them."
"What about him?" Petey shot a bony finger at Peter who was still out. "I thought he wanted your help to take over the world? Now that you're no longer under the influence of the Fairy, why do you want to protect him?"
"I think you know why. Because other wise he wouldn't be laying here with the other two."
Petey shot another toothy grin, "Say it." he whispered.
"I will not." I shot, looking down at the ground. "I will not be undermined either."
"Well in that case, he wasn't here originally because he could be used against you, he was here because there's one particular person who is willing to pay a pretty penny to see his head mounted on a wall."
I sat up straight, locking eyes with Petey. My body tensed at the mention of him being hurt. I let out an uneasy breath. "You will not hurt him."
"Who's to stop me?"
I smiled, because I knew something he didn't. Peter wasn't actually knocked out, in fact he broke his binds about 30 minutes ago and was waiting for the right moment to strike.
Any time now...I thought

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