Chapter 28: Blood Red

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They say when your soul leaves your body you're at peace, or you stay until you find a way to make it at peace. I wasn't at peace, I wasn't in a tranquil state of mind. In fact, it seemed that I couldn't leave, at least not yet.
   I could feel Peter carrying me, the heaviness of his steps, the uneasiness of his breaths. I didn't want to let go, not yet. I wanted to believe that he was good, and not if him as a whole, at least some part. Because that's what I wanted. At least some part, no matter how insignificant, to love me.
   Moments later I was being laid on the ground. It smelled of wet rock, and dirt. "I've would've flashed us here," he spoke without a tremor in his voice. "But there's two reasons I didn't."
   When I didn't speak he did. "The first one was it may have interrupted the process. The second one, was I needed to make sure you were strong enough before it happened. Tomorrow night."
   I let out a breath, hoping he didn't see or hear, but he was watching me intently. I could feel his eyes staring at my body. He didn't sound evil, but I've been fooled before. "And no, I'm not letting you bleed out on some rock floor. It's confirmed. You are strong enough. Even while your mind is weak, your body healed itself."
   I opened my eyes, just a splinter and tried lifting my head. He had his back turned now, facing an opening. "I have to leave you now. I'm sorry," he turned and looked at me. "truly."
   I didn't believe him. I wanted to desperately, but given that I was laying inside some cave about to die, I couldn't.

Hours passed into the night. It grew cold, but I couldn't bring myself to curl up in an attempt to keep warm. Before Peter had left he placed a spell at the opening of the cave. Anyone could look in and see there was nothing there, I however could hear and see them. But no one was coming for me. No one would dare venture out thus far and "accidentally" stumble upon me. Even if they did, there would be no way to get out of the cave. At least not alive.

• • •

"She's here. I know she is." There was snapping of branches and the shuffling of leaves as someone pushed past the lining of trees that stood in front of the cave.
"And what makes you so sure?" By now I was awake, barely able to keep my eyes open as I looked out into the night.
"He does this to them. I've seen it with my own eyes. It's a terrifying thing to be caught up in."
"What exactly is that he does?"
I couldn't see the faces of the two boys who stopped in front of the cave but I didn't have to see them to know who they were. It was Baelfire and Felix. They were here to rescue me, a terrible mistake really. And if I knew I could stop it, I should've.
"He feeds." Felix's voice dropped to a whisper. "He takes them to a different spot every time. I'm sure that he brought her here."
"How could you be so certain?"
"I have to wait for something momentarily, but if it happens then it will confirm that she's here."
"And what if this "it" doesn't happen? What then? Terran's life is at stake and were sitting here staring at a void of nothingness!"
"Would you keep your voice down?! I know exactly how this works! You come to her rescue and you get the girl. But this is not a fairytale, and you do not get the girl. I know, I was you."
"This other girl, the one you got caught up in, you had feelings for?"
"Is that why you're so eager to help me?"
"No. Let us get one thing straight, that is my sister in there. Not your 'lover'."
"I understand." There was a brief moment of silence as Felix lowered himself to his knees and placed a finger to the sky near the edge of the cave. It would be useless to call out so I just had to trust that he would find whatever it was that he was looking for and get me out.
"She's here."
"How can you tell?"
"I can feel the energy of the spell he placed. It's running through my finger."
He lowered his hand and turned back behind him.
"What now? How do we break it."
"I need you to stand back. This next part won't be easy."
"Oh you bet it won't." A voice came from behind the boys. I didn't have to see this face either, but I still felt a sickening twinge in my stomach. Peter.
Baelfire unsheathed his sword and held it in the direction Peter emerged from.
"Oh let's not get all 'noble'," he mocked. "I wouldn't dream of hurting either of you. Especially you Felix. I must say however that I am shocked. After last time I assumed you would've learned your lesson."
"And what might that be?"
"Oh the fact that you should never get entangled with the likes of Peter Pan! After all. I never fail."
"Well you will this time!" Bae called out. "I won't let you harm her!"
"Well I'm afraid Baelfire, that you've harmed her more than I."
"I've done no such thing, beast." He spit.
"Oh you've done more than anyone can take back." He smiled wickedly. "You left her."
"I didn't-"
"You could never stay. Not when you're mind was elsewhere."
"And where might that be?"
"With the black fairy."
"It was never like that!"
"I'm afraid if have to disagree."
"You have no proof! I would never!"
"Oh but, Baelfire...poor, innocent, used Baelfire. You were never under the influence of the fairy. It was all your actions and thoughts that lead you to take another step forward."
"That's a lie!"
"Who's to say you didn't go with her deliberately?"
"Enough Peter!" Felix yelled.
"And Felix. Poor misguided Felix."
"I've only been guided by your hand Peter."
"And what a terrible hand it's been. Disobeying me. Threatening to take what's mine."
"She's not property. You simply cannot own her."
"Oh isn't that true. She's a wild one, full of fire. I cannot have her as a ruler. I really tried so hard to turn the events. But they wouldn't stop. Not even for me."
"This power is out of your hands."
"Oh I know Felix. I do."
"But I cannot afford to have a GIRL take away what is rightfully mine."
I had gathered my strength to stand up, and I could fully see what was happening now. Bae was being held midair against a tree and Felix was on his knees bowing in front of Peter.
"Even if I did grow to have feelings for her..." His voice trailed off and he stated through the magic wall. "I'm sorry. Truly."
He threw Felix back and he hit his head on a rock causing him to sprawl across the ground in an inhuman matter.
"Felix!" Bae called out struggling against the force that was holding him to the tree.
"You're too late!" Peter cried out. "I can feel it! It's happening."
The moon poked out of the cover of trees. Blood red.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now