Chapter Four: It was my Only Fault.

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It was my Only Fault

My eyelids fluttered opened and I moaned as I pulled myself out of the bed and headed upstairs. I had to cover my eyes from the sudden change in light when I hit the top deck. Everyone was in a lazy mood as they stumbled around attempting to get their work done.

I immediately turned my attention to Bae's room and knocked on the door. It creaked open enough for someone to grab my hand and pull me in. Before I could stifle a scream the hand of my abductor was clamped over my mouth. I couldn't see through the mess of my hair that covered my eyes. I was pushed against the wall, and my hair was now slightly parted. It was Bae.

I stopped squirming but his grip on my mouth didn't lessen.

He leaned in as whispered, "I KNOW who you are Terran."

My heart beat quickened and I tried to pull away once again. He didn't let go of me, and his grip on my arms tightened.

I wouldn't give up, I would always fight. That was my only fault. I would always fight back, no matter what. My head spun and I was recalling the terrible memories of my father. He grabbed my wrists and shook me as he screamed. His breath was filled with the stench of alcohol. I plugged my nose as tears ran down my face and he began to knee my small, frail self in the stomach. He pushed me to the ground and I stood up faster than I thought I could, and jabbed my foot into his toe and ran. He grabbed ahold of my thin neck and held me up off the ground. My hands were tearing at his, hoping he would let me go, hoping he wouldn't kill me. I kicked and choked, my eyes pleading for him to let go, after about a minute he released me. I fell to the ground, on my hands and knees and looked up at him through my hair that fell in front of my face. Tears stained the wooden floors and I crawled away, but before leaving I stared him in the eyes and he spat, "I will get out of here. I will find a family, a real one."

After about 10 minutes he fell back and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I fumbled with the lock and managed to open the door quickly. I ran out rubbing my red wrists and biceps. Tears were flowing out of my eyes uncontrollably. "Hook!" I screamed.

I ran towards his door and knocked violently. When he didn't answer I pounded again and then opened it. "Hook!" I called, he shot up from his bed and rubbed his eyes.

It wasn't just him, there was a girl but I payed no attention to her. "Hook." I cried. "Help, it's Bae. Something's wrong!"

He shot out of his bed and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his room. I stumbled as we ran down the stairs and was wiping my cheeks and nose. He threw open the closed door, let go of my hand, and fell to his knees next to Bae. He grabbed his shoulders so hard his knuckles turned white. He shook him so hard I swear Bae's head was going to fly off his shoulders.

It didn't, however, and he didn't wake up. I started to scream inside as I collapsed backwards onto his bed. My head was reeling and the room started to spin. "He's still alive," Hook said as if that were somehow going to wake him up miraculously. "Go get Smee, I'll get him on the bed and we can get a wet wash cloth and hopefully wake him up by stunning."

I did as I was told and got Smee, then ran into the wash room and wet a towel and brought it back to the room. He still lay lifeless on the bed, I sat next to him on the bed and gently dabbed his burning hot skin. He stirred lightly, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

He grabbed my wrist so abruptly I didn't have time to react. "Wh-what happened?" He whispered.

"Truth?" I sighed with relief that the old Bae was back. You went ballistic on me."

"I take by the tone of your voice that wasn't a good thing." He mumbled with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" I laughed nervously.

Hook stood up and I forgot he was even there, "You feeling alright, Mate?"

He nodded, "I guess."

"Good, Terran take care of him and Smee and I will be back later to check on you two."

"Alright." I nodded as they left the room. I turned back to Bae, who still hadn't let go of my wrist. "What happened?"

"I was going to ask you-" he stopped short and observed my bare arms and reddened wrists. "What the hell?"

"You're not going to like the answer..."

"If it was someone on this ship I swear I will beat their sorry arse."


"What?" He let go of my hand and pushed himself backwards. "Me?"

I nodded and stared at the ground.

"How? I would never hurt you! I swear!"

"I know."

"It's almost as if-" he shook his head.

"Like someone was over taking your mind."

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now