Chapter 11: My Pet

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 It was dark out now, Felix had left me in a storm of anger. The roof, which was actually the floor, was creaking due to all the heavy weighted bodies moving about the deck. I missed the sound of the Jolly Roger's floor boards. It was odd to think now, that I had become just like my brother. I had left the person I wanted to protect, I became a pirate, and I was sure he was thrown in more brigs than he can count.

As I sat in the darkness, my arms becoming numb from the rope burns, I thought more about my impact on the choices I made and how they would need to be absolutely perfect in order to save Bae. I had to do whatever it took, no matter what the consequences were, it had to be done. Even if that meant maiming others, or killing them. I was always the person who put myself above others, so this was new territory for me, I didn't know what I did could effect someone else. Neither did my brother.

The darkness seemed to be endless, I slowly started loosing my vision of the few pirates who came down to rest that night. Unlike the drunken, wasted pirates, I couldn't sleep. I sat there, legs stretched out in front of me, crossed slightly, while I messed with the ropes behind my back. Slowly I frayed the rope and was able to slither my hands free from their grasp. I never looked down however, I was always staring at one point in the room across from me, I didn't know what it was, but I knew that if I looked away, I may fall asleep. 

The sun slowly lit the room, and I realized what I was starting at. A small, brass necklace hung in the corner of the room on a hook, every now and then glinting off the sunlight as the ship rocked back and forth. My eyes were tired and dry, but I didn't mind. I continued to study this ordinary object that I had not yet realized was so plain yet elegant. It must've belong to someone special for whomever to hang it on that hook. Hook. God I missed Killian.

I wonder what adventures he was dragging himself into. Was he fighting some drunk who stole from him? Was he yelling at some loon for beating him in Liar's Dice? Was he off fighting for the heart of a young maiden? I laughed to myself at that last thought. Killian, loving someone, that almost seemed impossible. I slowly realized that I found that sense of vulnerability I thought about him when I first met him. Killian Jones, incapable of being loved.

 I was that person, incapable of being loved. I had it, and I was scared of holding it in my hands. Afraid at any moment it would crumble to dust and blow away. 

"Let's go!" someone shook me from my thoughts. Actually the jangle of keys turning against metal did. I stood up and rubbed my wrists as the new larger guard looked at me with astonishment. He turned his attention from me to the fraying rope then back to me to make sure he was seeing everything clearly.

"What?" I spat. "Can't believe a girl got through one of your handy man's "hard" work?"

He held out his hand and kept his eyes down. "You didn't hear it from me," he whispered. "but you're getting off this damned ship...and I'm helping you."

The large man looked up and shoot a toothy grin. His eyes were a glinting green and his hair was dark and tucked underneath his hat. I smiled back at him as he hardened his expression and winked yelling, "How dare you defy me! I will bring you to the black fairy immediately and you WILL face the consequences!"

The guard who was supposed to be keeping tabs on me snuffled from his sleep and looked over at me with tired eyes. I began "struggling" in the man's grip as he tried to pull me up deck.

"NO!" I pleaded with such a false tone it was scary. "Please! Please don't take me there."

The guard smiled and nodded allowing the man to take me up deck and supposedly to the black fairy. We were on the deck crouched behind a few crates while we watched the men hustle back and forth and ignore us. "My name's Petey by the way." he nodded.

"Terran." I replied. "So how d'you suppose we're getting out of here?"

"Easy really," he smiled and pointed towards a bridge that was being loaded onto the pavement of a dock. There it lead into a larger town than where I had previously been. I assumed me being captured was a last minute trip because the crew members were loading crates and barrels of food and of course rum. "I'll just say that I'm taking you filthy animal to use the restroom and lead you towards Maine's tavern."

"Or," I began. "You can cause a scene."

"A scene?" he asked skeptically.

"Yeah, push a guy a over, if there's one thing men love more than rum, it's a good fight. Threaten him," I said pointing to a red tousled haired man with large muscles poking out of his shirt.

"Him?" he chocked. "But that's..."

"Cod Noodler. With his hands on backwards..." I laughed. "I know. Just start out like 'YOU! NOODLER! Or should I call you noodle. Sleeping with me woman. I thought you were better than to flash ye coconuts all over the tavern. But I guess not. AND a little birdie told me ye be cheatin at Liar's Dice."

"That would rouse him like a rabid dog!"

"Exactly," I smiled and gave him a slight nudge out from behind the crates.  When he regained his balance I gave him a thumbs up and watched as he shuffled his way towards Cod. "Hey you!" He spoke loudly and his voice cracked with anticipation.

Cod turned on his heel and dropped the crate he was holding. "What?" he commanded.

"How dare you, cheat with the coconuts at liar's dice you noodle?" the words were wrong and his voice shook. I took this moment to stand as everyone gathered around and you could hear Noodler's fist make contact with Petey's face. Then rose shouts, and taunts and go noodles or hit him back Peteys, and just as I was covered by the cheering and booing crowd and almost to the deck two blue heels snapped in front of my face as I was forced to the ground. The cheers stopped and the howling faded. All eyes were on me, and I assumed it was forced by the black fairy who was now wearing blue. 

"Tsk tsk," she smiled clicking her tongue. "I expected better from you."

I looked up at her and spat down at her shoes, "Well then you're meeting MY standards and that's better. Although I do have to say blue is certainly not your color."

She forced a laugh and forced me up with her hand. "I do say dear, I wish you were more like a pet. One that behaved."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"Oh don't even try that with me," she hissed. "Is there a reason you're out of your cell, or that you're creeping towards the dock? Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The sound of your hear beat quickening, or the way your words slur slightly. You're lying."

"I am not." I shot back.

"Pet. Poor, poor pet. You misbehaved, you'll have to be taught a lesson. Poor pet. Poor, poor pet."

"I won't do shit for you!" I proclaimed.

"You will if you realize that innocent souls are going to be killed if they help you. Starting with him." she pointed a bony finger in the direction of the crowd and they split revealing a bloody and bruised Petey who was holding his neck as if being chocked. Then he fell to the ground and a single tear fell down his cheek as his eyes lost their light.

"You monster!" I wept. "He didn't do anything!"

"I know." she smiled. "All these people have done nothing, and they will do nothing as they watch their friends die. Because of you."

"Not because of me," I whimpered. "because of you."

"Well then if that's the way you feel about this, then you wouldn't mind killing him."

The crowd parted once more. There tied to the mast, blood dried and cracked from the sun all over his face, was Baelfire. His head hung low and he coughed spurting fresh blood on the newly cleaned deck. On the back of his neck I could see marks, red and bulging like he'd been cut or scratched. I observed them longer, unable to move from the black fairy's invisible grasp, then realized they were fresh whip marks. I couldn't gasp, I couldn't move, I could hardly breath, as I watched helpless as Bae groaned in agony and coughed more blood onto the deck. He was sweating in the heat, I could see it glisten on his bare chest. I managed to let a whisper escape the lump in my throat, "Bae. What have I done?"

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang