Chapter Eight: My Dear

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        I was headed back in the direction of the ship, as a gust of wind picked up from the shore line and plastered my hair to my face. As I pulled it back, I hit someone and fell to the ground. I hit my head on the stone, and already felt the warm substance rushing to the back of my head. “Watch it!” I growled.
        "My bad," a goofy voice called followed by a laugh. "Here, let me help."
        The figure held out a hand, and I took it willingly. I looked up into the man's eyes, they were a sparkling blue, with a grin that was as goofy as his laugh. His cheeks were a light pink, mostly from the cold breeze that now struck the night of the small village.
        I smiled and shook his hand that I was still holding, "Terran. Nice to meet you."
        "The pleasure is mine." his smile never leaving his face as he bent over and kissed the back of my hand. His smile was contagious, and my heart was melting before me.
        "Im sorry I ran into you." I smiled apologetically, and released his warm hand, placing mine back into the comfort of my cream colored cloak.
"It's fine my dear." he nodded. Something about him was oddly familiar and my mind kept racing to stay away from him. Even though he seemed like a friendly and kind man, something was racing in the back of my mind, something was urging me forward, towards the ship.
        "Well, it was nice to meet you." I nodded and began to walk past the man, but his warm hand gripped my wrist, and it's warmth slowly faded.
        "I'm sorry my dear," his voice was no longer warm and inviting, it was cold and etched with darkness. I didn't dare turn my head. Something about him was familiar. The appearance, it was as if I knew him from another time, but how long ago? Past? It couldn't be, recently? Maybe.
        The clothes were familiar as well, a long, blue robe fell at his knees. He was an older man, his hair was thinning and platinum white. He had a beard that was long and curled at the ends. His eyes were sparkling, entrancing, I'm sure if I saw them before I would remember them. Unless, when I happened upon this character, they were closed.
        My heart raced, I knew this man. I knew him well enough to know that he wasn't good. The black fairy said so. I killed this man, but here he was. Standing behind me, death edged in his grip on my wrist. I swallowed the fear and turned my head slowly.
        My eyes went wide with terror as I saw the figure, no longer the goofy man I ran into. He took the smallest step towards me, now his skin was illuminating in the moonlight. The breeze tugging at his long beard. This didn't disturb me, what disturbed me was how his skin slowly melted revealing a yellowed, decayed skeleton.
        Before I could scream his hand shot towards my mouth, covering my lips. His eyes were now empty sockets staring at me. His voice rattled like rib bones on a necklace as he whispered, "You shouldn't have tried to kill me my dear. Even if the black fairy told you to, besides I was already dead, and I'm working with her."

        He let go of my mouth and for some odd reason I didn't scream, I didn't call for help, I didn't turn and run; instead I sat there. I watched him, pace back and forth, his fingers tapping together. He was waiting for someone. My money, was on the black fairy.

A/N: Hi, so I'm attempting to avoid Author's notes. I'm also aware this is a very short chapter, but I need to end my chapters on cliff hangers.

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