Chapter 16: Let the games Begin

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Sweat covered my forehead and neck, and before I realized it, there was someone holding me in their arms. "Bae?" I asked with a whimper.
Sorry to disappoint," a familiar voice said as he pulled away and I saw his face in the glow of the early morning.
"Dylan?" I asked, "What are you doing?"
"I heard you call for help, I ran as quickly as I could and found you were screaming and clawing at yourself."
"I'm sorry you had to see that," I said keeping my eyes on my bare legs. Dylan followed my gaze and slapped his neck.
"I'm sorry, I should've gotten you something warmer..."
"It's alright." I managed through a shiver. "I'm fine."
Goosebumps covered my legs from the end of the baggy shorts down. "It's not okay," he replied shaking his head. He placed his warm hand on the end of my ankle and rubbed it up and down my leg. "Come with me," he said standing up. I grabbed his hand in mine and he lead me out of my tent and into another one slightly bigger than mine with a bed that almost touched the ground, loaded with blankets of different materials.

"Stay here tonight," he said letting go of my hand. He walked over to the bed and pulled off another blanket. "I'll sleep on the floor."
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Don't tell Peter," he laughed. "but I put a charm on my tent so where no matter what temperature it is it will always be the opposite."
"Oh that makes sense," I replied while rubbing my arms taking notice of the heat. I made my way over to the small bed and curled up in the blankets. I let the warmth hold me like I wish Bae was here to do. Hold me in his arms again and make me feel safe.

It seemed like hours had passed before I fell asleep again, but when I did this time I didn't dream of Bae being trapped in an unreachable room. I dreamt of a field, full of poppys. I was laughing as I ran through the tall flowers. It tickled my legs, but I kept running.
Then I stopped, when a tiny prick of pain shot through my leg and I fell to my knees. My right leg was now numb. I could feel the sensation filling my body, before I was completely numb, I saw two tiny creatures fly in front of my eyes.
They were tiny humans, that glowed the color of their dresses, with frail wings the color of cream. One was holding a fork it seemed, but the tines were filed down to a point and now dripping with blood and something green. The other waved their hand in front of my eye and then jotted something in their notebook. Then I blacked out.
Having dreams on Neverland weren't like having dreams on the mainland I observed. On the mainland, your dreams are more of a jumbled mess with no plot. Here, they were so real. They felt real, they sounded real, they didn't veer off into an abyss of confusion. The reason I know this is because, after a while it seemed, I "awoke" in my dream and I was in another room, more colorful, and the two fairies were still hovering above me.

"Excuse the manners of Tibit over here," the one with the notebook said.
"And excuse the eagerness of Loxy over here." he sounded agitated.
"We wouldn't be in this mess with the council if you had just listened and observed!"
"NO! We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't promised something you couldn't do!"
"May I ask why you two are fighting?" my voice was shaky from waking up, I tried to sit up but the blood rushed to my head and I almost passed out again.
"Oh no dear," Loxy said sweetly. "You shouldn't try to get up. That would just make the council evern more upset if you were to get away."
"Get away?" I asked. "It's not like I'm chained."
Loxy and Tibit both laughed and pointed towards my arms, I looked down and realized I was.

I awoke again, to the sound of cheering outside. I rubbed the back of my neck and sat up, realizing I wasn't in Dylan's tent anymore. I was now in my tent, but covered in all of his blankets. That's odd I thought, I don't recall moving, or him moving me for that matter.
Just as I sat up, Peter parted the curtains to my tent and poked his head inside. He wore a smile, and it was quite dashing on him. What am I thinking? I'm here for Bae, not for him.
"It's time for lunch," he called out.
"Yeah, I didn't want to wake you. Dylan said you were having nightmares last night and got hardly any sleep."
"How sweet of yo-"
"I don't want the guest of honor to be tired for the games we're going to play today."
"Games?" I asked.
"Oh don't worry, they're quite fun." his smile turned back into a smirk and I realized it was too good to be true.

I waited a couple of minutes after he walked out before leaving the tent myself. When I came out, I realized the bonfire was now going again and Peter sat on the edge of a log flipping something in a blue rusted pan. As I got closer, someone stepped in front of me.
"Hello," Dylan smiled.
"Good morning," I replied.
"For lunch we're having sandwhiches with bacon." he smiled as if it were his favorite meal.
"Sounds good," I forced a smile and looked over his shoulder at Peter.
"Right," he said after turning to see what I was looking at. "You probably want to be left alone."
Before I cold say anything, he turned and left, his head still hanging.

Peter stood up and made his way towards me, "Here," he smiled handing me a sandwhich.
"I'm not eating anything you made."
"What do you think I did? Poisened it?"
I nodded, to which he laughed. "Why would I go through all the trouble to bring you here and then poisen you the first day you're here?"
I raised my eyebrow, he was right. Oh I hate when people are right.
"Take the sandwhich," he smirked. "I promise you'll want something to eat."
I grabbed it out of his hand and took a bite angrily still looking him in the eyes. He laughed and shook his head, "You're an odd one."

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now