Chapter Six: I was an innocent and she was a monster

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                                        I was an innocent and she was a monster

My eyes went wide with the words that he said. “Y-you do?’ My lips trembled, how could he say this? How could he be doing this to me? I looked around the room with a panicked look. “I-I.”

“I know.” he gave me a weak smile. “I know you don’t feel the same about me, and I’m okay with that. How could you love someone like me any way? Some poor, pirate. Greedy, washed over, drunken little boy; who has nothing to give to you but his heart. Someone who’s now fighting with two minds; who can’t make sense of anything. The only thing that seems real, is the person sitting in front of him right now who doesn’t feel the same about him.”

My mouth hung open. Here he was telling me how he felt and I was some dumbfoundead little girl who didn’t know how to hang onto her words. I wanted to say something, to FEEL something, but I didn’t. That spark that I felt when I first saw him and seemed to grow dimmer by the hour. The candle slowly melting to nothing but a puddle.

I tried to say something, but nothing would come out. My knees fell from my chest and I stood up as Bae did. He nodded and turned walking up the squeaky familiar stairs. I wanted to stop him, but by the time I had made up my mind to I realized I didn’t know what to say. Besides, he’s probably already in his room, sitting in the darkness just like I am, contemplating on what to do next.

I’m going to run away, I thought. It was the best thing to do, I wouldn’t be a dark reminder to Bae. I didn’t belong here anyway, I knew that from the moment I stepped on the deck. I lied, saying I was a swordsman, maybe I did need his help that first fight. Maybe I didn’t. What if I didn’t win? Where would I be now?

I’m grateful for Hook, and Smee, and although I don’t want to say it, I’m grateful for Bae. I’m a thief and nothing more, I can’t live on the streets much longer. Maybe I can cross realms and start a new life, one where no one knows my name, a life where I’ll be happy.

I sank back down onto the bench and rubbed my palms on my eyes. “I’m sorry Bae,” I whispered to myself. I was so drowned in my thoughts I didn’t realize someone was now standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Sorry to disappoint you Terran, but I’m not Baelfire.” the voice was familiar, I shot up my head and looked at the dim glow of the new visitor. A small silhouette, hovering above the ground, with two small wings fluttering back and forth.

“You!” I shouted. “You’re the black fairy!”

“Quite perceptive.” she cooned. “Your Bae, is under my command now. The full effects of the spell have now been completed. He will be my slave.”

“Why do you want him?!” I yelled.

“It’s not him I want. It’s you.” a giggle filled her words and fired my anger.

“How do expect to get me?”

“By having your Bae, I can control you.” she flew around me in circles. “You see Bae, can slowly kill himself with the flick of my hand, and I’ll make sure that you’re around as it happens. Bae doesn’t know what’s going on with his mind, but you do. Now you can either keep that information a secret and help me, or you can tell him yourself and watch him die at your hand. It’s all up to you dear, but if it were me, I’d choose wisely.”

I stumbled back a bit, she was right. She could control me, with Bae so weak and miserable she knew I’d do anything to help keep him alive. I was an innocent, she was a monster. I took a deep breath and stood back up. I looked her in the eyes and swallowed the lump now sitting at the base of my throat making it impossible for words to escape.

I tilted my head upwards, straightened my back, then spoke with a confidence that I didn’t know could ooze out of me in the manner that it did, “What do you want me to do?”

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora