Chapter 14: Completely in Love

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It was dark out now. The bonfire was still going and the boys laughter was still echoing through the forest. They chanted as they skipped around the fire, wearing hats on their heads that covered up their shaggy hair. I had to admit, it was amusing, but after what happened in the tent I felt conflicted. Something came over me in there, I wasn't me. I saw him, and I saw my reflection in my eyes but they were screaming Bae's name and I couldn't pull my thoughts together.

I sat there watching the fire flicker off the boys' faces and tried to explain to myself the feeling I felt in there. It was like nightmares crawling up my skin, and feeding off my fears. It was creating a fantasy in my head, I could feel the darkness overtake my mind. Shadows were crawling on my face, from the light of the fire and I was shaken out of my dream like state when a boy put his hand on my shoulder. He had to be a year older than me, because he was a head taller. He flashed a smile and his eyes urged me to come dance with him. I was about to shake my head and then thought to myself, the more likely I make friends with these boys the more likely they won't see me as a threat.

So I stood up, and took the boy's hand. He let out a cry of excitement and skipped. He swung his arms and jumped up and down as we made circles around the fire. The warmth felt nice on my skin, and the boys seemed to be warming up to me. They gathered around nearer to me as they continued to rattle their pipes and bang on their drums that were strapped to their necks with vines. I couldn't help but smile as I watched these boys laugh and act as if they weren't with a monster. I glanced over my shoulder at Peter who was sitting on a rock near his tent, holding a knife to what looked like a chunk of wood. As we circled around and got closer he stood up, making it clearer that the piece of wood was actually reeds of wood strapped together.

He caught me looking and flashed a smile before blowing in the reeds. At first I thought it didn't work, but I looked at the boys and they were all laughing and pointing at Peter as if it were a treat for him to be playing a pan-flute that didn't work.
"Isn't he amazing?"
"He was born to play those pipes!"
"I heard he couldn't until a year or two ago."
"What are you all talking about?" I asked.
"Why Pan, of course."
I looked back over my shoulder. Sure enough he was still blowing in the reeds, but I couldn't hear a thing. Before I could dwell on it, another hand was on my shoulder pushing me forward and making me continue to dance around the fire.

A few hours passed and after eating dinner I was sitting back on the same rock watching the flames flicker down. A few of the younger boys had gone to bed, and a couple of the older ones were gathered somewhat close to me as they sharpened sticks with their knives. I looked over at them and the older boy who urged me to dance looked up and smiled. I quickly glanced away and turned my attention to the small flicker of flames still dancing across the coals.

"Hi," I heard a voice.
I looked up to see the boy. "Hello?"
"Is that a question?"
"I didn't intend it be..."
"Are you nervous?" He asked.
"No." I said defensively.
"Then why is your finger twitching?"
"What?" I looked down and noticed it was twitching. "So? What if it does that all the time?"
"It doesn't." He laughed.
"And how are you so sure?"
"I noticed you did the same thing when you were tied to the tree."
"Speaking of which why didn't you do anything about it?"
"Pan didn't give us orders to."
"You do everything he says?"
"Pretty much."
"Did he tell you to keep an eye on me?"
"Is he going to get mad if he sees you talking to the 'Guest of Honor'?"
"Then maybe you should go. I don't want to get you in trouble. That would be a shame."
"It would be a shame wouldn't it," A deeper voice urged.

I realized that Peter had emerged from the shadows now. "Dylan, go set up a tent for our guest." he pressed.
Dylan turned around and nodded slowly, hurrying off.
"Wow Dad." I laughed sarcastically.
"Dad?" he asked.
"It's a joke."
"But certainly I'm a lot younger than a dad, right?"
"A lot," I laughed nervously.
"You should get some rest." his voice was cold now.

I stood up and crossed my arms, keeping me gaze on the ground as I walked towards the new tent. I unzipped the door and stepped inside. There was nothing in there but a blanket and a pillow and I began to wonder how Dylan had set it up so quickly and managed to place some sort of 'comfort' in there. My mind wandered to the feeling of home, and how I screwed SO much up. I just wish that Bae was here. He was really the only thing that kept me from leaving. In fact everything I did now was in order to protect him.
I sunk to my knees on the blanket and closed my eyes. I pressed my fingertips to my temples as I rocked back and forth longing for his arms around me. Trying my best to keep my cries of anguish to myself. Hoping that no one would come in and laugh at my being in pain. It sucked, it honestly sucked having the thing you love most be ripped away from you. Love shouldn't be measured by the time you spend with someone, I could be with Peter for years and feel nothing, but the few short days I had spent with Bae were enough for me to fall completely in love with him.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora