Chapter 17 (part 2): New Rules

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   When I pulled back, we were glaring into each others eyes. There was a spark there, it was one that I've always seen but this time it seemed different. It was as if the spark was a full on fire, and the thing that was fueling his fire was built up behind his eyes. It was playing hide and seek behind his pupils. I stopped for a second, although I had NO idea what I was doing half the time I was pretty sure this thing that is repeating itself in my mind is an idea.

   "Listen up boys!" I shouted to the boys. "With a new game maker comes a new game. Which leads to new rules." I shot Peter a smirk. "Harder. More complicated ones, with a hellish twist."

   Peter turned his head, intrigue edging his smile. "Alright Love," he spat. "Tell me, what does Ms. Gamemaker have planned?"

   "Let's just say, you won't want to find out."

At least half an hour passed before all the rules were laid down. We were just about to start, when I took an uneasy breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder. A warm body pressed lightly to mine, I could feel him bend over to whisper in my ear, "Ready Love?"

   I smiled to myself, I know what he was doing. "You're not distracting me, if that's what you're here to accomplish."
   "Really?" I could hear the smile in his voice. "Not even if I do this?"
   He let his hand drop from my shoulder, close enough to run against my thigh. I balled my fists and tried not to think about the goosebumps I could feel rising on my skin.
   "Nope," I muttered through my teeth.
   "How about this?" His hand slid back up the side of my thigh and to my waist. It lingered there for a moment before it barely brushed under my loose shirt.
   I shuddered, but I hoped I turned around fast enough before he noticed, I think he noticed. A huge grin was plastered on his face like a third grade art project. "You might want to leave before the game starts, or I swear that you're going to be the first thing that's hung in the tree."

   My group of boys were on the outskirts of the forest, they were playing defense, Peter's group was playing offence. Peter's group of boys were attempting to get the green piece of fabric located at my feet. My group was supposed to prevent that. The rules, all the boys have to arrive before they can attempt to get the "flag". My boys have to keep them from getting to the inner circle by sun down. Since Peter and I are the leaders, we can't do anything, we get to tell them what to do. It's almost as if playing a game of chess. When they make it to the inner circle if they step out of place, or do something that we didn't say, then they're out. If they make it, then they can't just win by picking up the cloth, they have to climb the tallest tree and hang it on the highest branch. The tallest tree just so happened to be right behind me. It also happened to contain deadly toxins on the bark, if it were to touch your skin, you would begin to hallucinate to the point where you killed yourself thinking you were doing something else.
   The only reason I knew about this tree was from Dylan. After Peter asked about what game I had planned I needed an idea. I asked them if there were anything I could use against him. He told me about the tree and I knew immediately that I wanted it to be centered around it, literally.

"Oh but I can't leave."
  "That's right," I grumbled. "You have to stay here and watch the sunset while your team doesn't make it. Shame."
   "If you're so confident that they're not going to make it, then how come you're puppy gaurding the flag?"
   "Am not!" I looked down at my feet, he was right, my bare feet were standing on the flag. I took a step back so I was off of it, "Alright fine." I grumbled again.
   "Please Terran," he smiled and took a step closer. "we all know why you really put us together."
   I rolled my eyes as I watched him creep closer, "Someone's ego is bigger than the moon."
   "Please, you think that I would actually want to be here? With you?"
   It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Please, you haven't been able to take your eyes off me from the moment I stepped foot on Neverland."
   He was really close now, "Why do you think that is? I bet where you come from you've got guys banging down your door right? Well I'm not like most. I don't want you for your looks. I see something else, inside of you, something great. Something that's going to change the whole world, you're just too blind to see it."
   I pushed my hair behind my ear, "You honestly think that I'm going to fall for your tricks?"
   "This isn't a trick, and if it were don't you think that I'd do something other than talk? I know what you want, I can see it written all over your face."
   "What if I just want to get off of this damned island?"
   "Now we both know that's not true." he took another step, his body was pressed to mine now. His hand slid up to rest on the small of my back, he leaned in so fast that I couldn't process. His lips were locked with mine now, I let myself give into him. Mostly because I knew if I were to try and fight, he would win. He's a lot stronger than me. 
   My lips parted and his tongue made it's way into my mouth. It was sweet like honey and sea salt. I tried to get as much of him as I could, but it seemed that every time we pulled apart for a spilt second, it was too long. We couldn't get enough of each other, we tried but we couldn't. His hands ran up and down my back, trying to pull me closer to him, but we were already so close that we couldn't possibly be any closer. My hands made their way through his hair, pulling myself up on my tiptoes trying to get more of him.
   There was a nagging feeling in my stomach that I just couldn't shake. Soon it got so painful that I finally had to pull away. It was too long for him to wait I guess, because he immedietly ran his lips down my jaw and sweat covered neck. The fading light pulled me back to my senses, I was about to pull away for good when I realized I could use this to my benefit.
   I turned him around, my leg pushing back his. He ran his hand up my bare thigh and pulled my knee up to his waist. I let out a slight moan, this only aroused him, and he began to lean backward. Exactly what I was planning, I pulled my leg back towards my body, and grabbed ahold of his chin, bringing his lips back up to mine. Then leaning forward I rested him against the tree. I ran my hands down to his thighs, pulling his body closer for a second before I had to let him go for good. I pulled back and he went to follow me, pushing himself off of the tree with his hands. I watched his eyes, they met mine before they went wide with the realization of what I just did.
   He fell to his knees, and I knit my eyebrows together with the realization of what I just did. He's dead already. There was a twig snapping in the direction behind us, I shot my head in the direction of which it came. The person standing there was the last person I expected to see, and their face was filled with confusion and hurt.
   "Bae?" I called out.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now