Chapter Nine: Felix?

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        "HEY! WAIT!" I argued as black fairy landed on the cold cobble stone path and with a wave of her wand she bound my hands and then my mouth. I mumbled in the cloth and tried to scream.
        It was no use, no one was up this late and if they were they were either too drunk to function or they blamed the noises on the wind sweeping through the village knocking at their front doors. I shivered as the magic binding dug deeper into my wrists, irritating the previous scars. I walked forward with Yen Sid and the Black Fairy, my heart was racing, I knew something bad was going to happen. I just didn't want to think about it. Instead I let my thoughts wander to Bae.
        It seemed like an eternity had passed until we got to where we they wanted to be. I looked forward and saw nothing but the rope fence and the sea now lit by the moon on the horizon. I was about to ask what it was that I was looking at when I remembered the gag around my mouth. I let out a deep sigh and looked over at the Black Fairy who had a smirk across her face. I shrugged and turned back to the sea. Then cold, dead hands gripped my shoulders, my stomach dropped and then...I was pushed over the edge.
        Fear filled my voice as I screamed, which was muffled by the gag. Instead of falling into the freezing, shark infested ocean; I hit the floor boards of a ship. My screaming came to an end as I looked around and realized I was face first on a ship. Bound by magical properties no doubt, that's why I couldn't see it. No one was on board, except for me. I got a worried feeling and I looked around half expecting some monstrous creature to jump out at me and kill me on the spot, but nothing did.
        I heard footsteps come from behind me, I shot my head in that direction and was somewhat relieved that it was the Black Fairy. Then the relief soon vanished when I saw a wicked smile creep across her face as she snapped her fingers and a rumbling sound echoed from below the deck.
        From the lower deck came what I thought was a large man, with muscles popping out all over his body. His hands came racing towards me while I lay motionless on the ground, in the moonlight I saw that he wasn't a large, hairy man, he was a Minotaur. With large horns at the top of his head, a metal ring hanging from his outward bull nose and he was covered in thick, scratchy hair; that brushed against my bare arm. I tried to cry out in pain, but realized I was still momentarily gagged.
        When the creature picked me up off of the deck, my legs were swinging from the floor boards because of how tall he was. I could feel the muscles some what tense up underneath him as he seemed to know exactly where to put me. We bounded down the steps to reach the lower deck, then we passed a hallway full of hammocks and barrels, where I assumed the crew slept.
        I was thrown in the cell in the back, and blackness consumed me as I realized that I hit my head and was slowly passing out. Stars were clouding my vision as I watched the Minotaur grunt satisfactorily and then curl up on the floor where a small pillow and blanket lay. He was obviously too large for the hammock to support him, and in that moment I felt sympathetic for my captor.

        I awoke to the thundering sounds of boots pounding down the stairs. When my vision cleared from it's blurry state I looked up in disgust. There standing above me was a man with his hands behind his back. Puss covered and filled boils sat atop his face. His stench could be smelt a mile away, and when he shot me a smile his yellowed rotten teeth showed. I assumed he was the captain by the way his hat fell across his face revealing the symbol of the ship. Two angel wings curled around each other, one was black and the other was white. 
        He laughed as he spoke, "Looks like the princess is awake."
        I glared angrily at him and spat, "If I weren't bound right now I swear..."
        "Swear what? Swear you'll reach for me through the bars in an attempt to beat me up? I don't think so Princess. You're on my ship now. Consider this an official invitation to hell."
        He walked away and as soon as his view was obscured from me I heard him call out to another sailor to whom I didn't realize was there, "Take care of her."
        By the way he snarled, I assumed I wasn't going to be sitting on a throne of gold any time soon. I shriveled back and awaited the next visitor to appear, when I saw who it was I gasped. The way his expression hardened revealed he still remembered me, and I couldn't believe it, after all these years. My older brother stood in front of me, "Terran?" he whispered.

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