Chapter 30: Dead

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   Everything happened so fast. First it was the fire, and the smell of smoke, and immense burning. Then it was the screams. The terrifying blood curdling screams. And then darkness. Frightening, suffocating darkness. And the not knowing. The fear that something else bad could happen. And then it did.
   We were running, as blurs of greens and browns flashed past us. That's when it happened. I was grabbed from behind and I lashed out. I don't know where it came from. The hidden strength I mean. But the fire was everywhere, fast. It surrounded us, blocked us off like walls. We were wild animals trapped inside a cage. Longing to get out.
   There was no where to turn to. It blocked us off. Soon we would be burning alive.
   "The trees!" Felix called. We grabbed the nearest one to us and we climbed as high as we could. Reaching out, clawing desperately for anything we could latch our fingers around, lifting our heads high attempting to breath fresher air.
   When we all reached the top we saw that it was either die now or risk breaking every bone in our body to hopefully make it across the wall of flames. We chose to jump. With a silent agreement, and a slight nod we were off.
   There's something beautiful about falling. Elegant and frightening. Where your stomach does a back flip, and your mind finally catches up to the rest that's moving and realizes there's nothing holding you, there's nothing going to catch you, but you can't turn back, because you're already too close to the ground that you just realized is moving closer at an alarming rate. And then you're there. You've touched the ground, and it feels like a shock has ran its way around your body, twisting and turning until it's done checking to see if your okay. And when you are, you pick yourself up and you run.
   But not before you check to see if they're there. And you see them, limp on the ground still recovering. And if you watch carefully you can see the shock twirl it's way through the bodies, and then catch a glimpse of it as it dances out the eyes.
   "We've got to go!" I shouted. Leaning down before me and reaching out my hand to Felix's back. "Come on!"
   Bae followed pursuit, and we could see the lining of the shore. The water kissing the sand, and it was a fearful thing. When I first arrived, it seemed like the water and land were lovers desperately wanting another kiss. But now I knew better. The sand was the ruler, and the water was kissing it's feet.
   "He'll be here! If he's not already in the trees waiting for us." Felix called out.
   Since the moment Felix had stood up in that cave, we've been running. Like a pack of wild animals, except we weren't hunting. We were being hunted. And Peter the Hunter.
   It was a kind of dance. A crafted to perfection 'art'. We would slide in and out of trees and leap over bushes. He would snap his fingers and he'd be in front of us. We would discover a way around him, and he would always manage to find us exactly as he did the first time. It was terrifying.
   But not as terrifying as not seeing the boat on the shore.
   "Where is it?" I yelled, still running.
   "He was supposed to be here!"
   "Well he's not!"
   "Do you think something happened to him?"
   I never did ask Bae how he managed to escape, but it was a question that had to be asked later. But I never realized I wouldn't receive later.
   Felix stopped in front of me, almost causing me to knock him down. "He's here again. I just saw a wisp of green smoke."
   It was true, Peter hopped down from a tree out in front of us with his devilish smile and half human half monstrous beast features. I couldn't look away, but it was something I didn't want to see.
   The sun was barely peeking over the mountains. "You're too late!" Felix called. "It's almost over."
   "I've still got time!" Peter hissed.
   "Not if you have to go through me!" Bae piped, taking a few strides in front of Felix and I.
   "And me." Felix mimicked.
   "You can't! I don't want you both getting hurt." I whispered desperately.
   "You better listen to the girl. She has a point. If I don't get her, then consider yourselves dead."
   "Since the moment we walked on this island we were dead."
   "Oh then you won't mind if I make it official." He jumped out grabbing Felix and dragging him to the ground. They rolled around throwing punches at each other. Blood pooled around them. And I feared the worst.
   And it was. I watched as Peter's talons wrapped around Felix's neck. Sounds of choking filled the air. I couldn't stand it, but by now Bae had pulled me along. "Go." he said, fear in his eyes. "GO!"
   I stumbled back but began to ran, my eyes darting along the coast in search of Hook's ship. Adrenalin pumped in my blood. Every step I took, hurt. It was an emotional pain this time. I had just left behind my family.
   I stopped for a moment to glance behind me, and then screams filled my ears. I realized now that I couldn't see them. I ran back in the direction I had come, but they weren't anywhere to be found. Screams came from behind me. I jerked my head, but nothing. Then to the left, the right, above me, surrounding me in a blanket of fear. I covered my ears, as I listened to the sounds of Bae and Felix in pain. I let tears slip across my dirt, sweat stricken face as I fell to my knees. Then it stopped abruptly.
   I let my eyes open and adjust to the dim light, that was quickly brightening. I stared out in front of me, darting my eyes to the trees just to see if I was being watched.
   A whisper came from behind me that sent chills down my back, "They're dead."
   I shot my hand behind me, trying to hit him, but there was nothing there. Just air. I stood up slowly, hoping I'd find Felix and Bae alive. As I stood up, my head hit something. I gasped in fear, and looked up. Felix was tied by his ankles and hung upside down. His throat slit. But his eyes were still open. I let out a cry and reached my hands up to his face. I couldn't get up high enough in time to cut the rope. He would already be dead.
   A last breath is a heartbreaking thing. Sometimes it's sharp, sometimes it's a series of quick breaths and ended by a barely audible one. His was more of a breath being let out, to try and form a word. "I lov-"
   I held his head in my hands, letting my tears mix with his earth covered face. "I know." I whispered. "I know."
   A hand grabbed my shoulder and I shot back hitting at anything I could. My hands made contact with a person and he groaned. I immediately stopped when I realized it was Bae. "I'm sorry." I cried as he held me.
   "Oh god, Felix." Bae let out a shocked gasp. "We've got to get out of here. Now."
   "I can't leave him. I can't." I pushed away from him.
   "You have to, or this will be you."
   "I can't."
   "Alright, plan B." he reached down and grabbed my legs, throwing me over his shoulders. 
   "NO!" I yelled, pounding his back. Tears staining his shirt. 
   I watched as Felix's body diminished from my view. 
   "I'm going to set you down now." Bae spoke softly, my tears had finally stopped. "Promise me, you'll walk with me alive off of this island."
   "I can't promise that we'll make it alive, but I can promise I'll try."
   He let me down gently and held my shoulders firmly, staring into my eyes. "We'll get through this together."
   I nodded . But I knew we wouldn't.
   He smiled weakly and we ventured on towards the coast. When the trees finally parted we were greeted with sand and crystal blue water, but no ship. "Are you sure this is the place?" I asked over the sound of the wind now taking our voices with it. 
   "He said right here. Cannibal cove. Where the Mountains kiss."
   I turned to look up and saw that the mountain's really did appear to be kissing. I also caught a wisp of green smoke. I grabbed Bae's shoulder and pointed to where I saw it. "He's here."
   "I know." he whispered.
   I turned back around to see what he meant, and was face to face with the monster. 
   "The sun's almost up," Bae snarled pulling me behind him. "You're out of time."
   "Oh am I?"
   "It's funny you chose this spot. This is the spot that receives sunlight the last, due to the kissing mountains."
   Bae shot me a look. 
   "You really think you escaped with Hook? Please, the pirate can't tell his left hand to his right, and he's got a hook on his left."
   "What have you done?" I broke in.
   "I've created a place where insanity is sane."
   "You're a monster."
   "Not more than usual."
   "What ever you do, you're not taking Terran alive."
   "That's alright, I'm sure she'd taste just as good dead."
   He flicked his wrist and I was thrown past Bae and into Peter's arms. I struggled and channeled my fear, but Peter clicked his tongue. "Now now, Terran." he scoffed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He pricked my wrists with a stinger that was embedded into his skin.
   "Venom of the Arabian two-headed snake." he smiled proudly. "You see, I can summon certain beings while in this form. Though this poison is extremely dangerous and you'll most likely end up dead in the next five minutes, I can summon the poison in your veins back. Of course that will be before I devour your power. Which will be after you watch Baelfire's life leave his body."
   I could feel the poison now, my mind went foggy, and I couldn't make out much. But I did keep my eyes open long enough to see and feel Peter drop me to the ground. He hit Bae with a new grown tail, but not before Bae sliced his head clean off. It rolled next to me. And I gasped for air, feeling the poison take control.
   Bae knelt down next to me, tears filled his eyes. He propped my head up in his lap. "Please, stay with me. Don't leave me. Please."
   I took in a sharp breath, "It's okay. Don't you see, it was always meant to end like this. You'll be fine." I reached up to touch his face which was covered in blood. "Just promise me, that you'll keep living. Don't let me stop you from being anything less than what you're meant to be." A tear slipped down my cheek. "I love you."
   "I love you too." he held my hand to his face.
   "You know," I whispered, not being able to make out shapes anymore. "I didn't mean to fall in love with you."
   He let out a sad laugh.
   The last thing I saw was his weakened smile. 

Then everything went black.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has read this. Whether you were here from the beginning or just started. I love you all, and it brings tears to my eyes to bring this story to an end. As you can see there will be no second book. I'm grateful for all you have done. I would never have thought it would be so popular. I remember writing the first chapter and getting REALLY excited that I had at least three views! Then ten. Then fifteen. And now over 9k reads. Those are all people. 9 THOUSAND of you have read my story. People from all over the world. This has been an amazing adventure. Thank you for taking me along. 

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang