Chapter One: Prove Yourself

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  • Dedicated to To my new found fans, and friends


Blood trickled down my temple as I lay propped up on my elbows on the floorboards of a deck. Sun bit at my eyes as I stared out at the black boots of a man towering above me. A sword was held to the tip of my chin, forcing me to stare into the eyes of my captors. A smirk was plastered across the face of this unknown man. Something about him intrigued me, he was young, maybe 28, and his face was welcoming but harsh.

There was a small sense of vulnerability about him, you just had to get close enough to find it. His eyes were cold, as if his soul was trapped inside him, behind the bars of his own pain and misery. I longed to help him, then snapped back into the reality that I was forced into. A blade, ever so slightly pressed against my skin. Although I did not want to admit it, I was scared. Not of the blade, or of death, but of the man.

Even in the 90 degree heat, he wore a long black leather jacket, that fell right above his knees. I traced the the coat down to his hand that held the blade, which glared in the rays of the sun. In one hand, he held firmly the hilt of the sword, but the other hand was replaced by a silver, glinting, metallic object. A hook.

My heart pounded in my ears for fear this man would take my life, as a form of revenge for what ever the terrible accident had happened in the past. I may not have been the smartest of girls, but I knew the look of revenge when I saw it; and his face was screaming for the life of another.

I inhaled deeply and shifted carefully as not to knick my throat, now sitting on my knees I choose my words carefully. "Who are you?" I called, hoping my words didn't falter as my courage had.

The man above me laughed, and pulled the sword up, forcing me to stand. I was smaller than him by a landslide, and I knew it wouldn't be wise to attack. I stood there, as he still towered above me, and I held my breath waiting for a response. When none came, I repeated my inquiry. "Who are you?"

I assumed I sounded a bit more demanding because the man acknowledged me. "Killian Jones," he smirked. There was a hint of cockiness in his voice, "Most people, however, address me by my more colorful monica. Hook, Captain Hook."

I could tell by the emphasis of Captain, he wasn't afraid of much, but then again I wasn't very much to be afraid of. He lowered his sword slightly, and waited for my response. I smiled lightly and looked him in the eye, "Well Captain Hook is it, I'm afraid I won't be here for much longer. You see, I have places to go, things to steal. I wouldn't be much help to that of a band of pirates now would I? You see, I steal for me; not for others to go around bargaining the value of precious lost items."

This statement resulted in the laughter of the crew and the very pissed off smirk of the Captain. I liked this, insulting the Captain with witty remarks. However it wasn't so smart on my part, because before I had time to relish my small victory, I was being held against my will to the edge of the deck.

Rope soon bound my wrists together and a sword was placed against my heart, the only choice I had was to move backwards toward the ocean, which didn't look too pleasant. Shark's fins began to circle the area in which I was soon to fall, unless I said something before it was too late.

"Wait!" I called. "If you do this, then you will regret it! I promise you that I'm a far better swordsman than any of your crew members! Name one, and I'll win a match. If I lose, you personally can take my life. Rather than having 'fish' do it for you."

This seemed to catch the attention of the Captain, "What happens if you win?"

"Glad you asked Captain," I smiled as I slipped the ropes off my wrists while still engaging the man. "If I win, then I will be guaranteed safe passage to any realm I choose."

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