Chapter 27(new): Back stabbed

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Important announcement: I will be writing two new stories after this one, which is coming surprisingly close to an end which makes me very sad, however I'm REALLY excited to bring you a preview of my new story The Wild Ones which is going to be released on August 1. Stay tuned after this chapter to one of the first to read a brief preview. 

*This was a chapter that I had to change because it didn't lead where I wanted it to. Sorry for the inconvenience*

"How?" I whispered pulling myself up onto my elbows. "You're dead."
   "Don't," he whispered bending down to help me up. 
   "You're dead. Felix told me."
   "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he's trying to protect you from the truth?"
   "What's the truth?"
   He leaned closer to me, his breath warm on my neck. "I'm not dead, but I'm not alive either."
   "What does that mean?" I asked pushing him away and sitting up. "How are you not alive, you're sitting right in front of me."
   "I was never alive."
   "You're making no sense." I whispered pushing myself onto my feet. 
   "Trust me, I wish I could take it back now."
   "Take what back?"
   "What are talking about?"
   "What I'm about to say, is going to sound crazy-"
   "You're already mad!"

   "Please, just hear me out." He grabbed my arm trying to stop me from running back to the camp. 
   "I want to leave. I don't want to be anywhere near you. If Felix is trying to protect me from the truth, why won't you?"
   "Because you need to know. You need to know why you're here."
   "I know why I'm here! I let someone get into my head, undermine me, an ignorant fairy with a fetish for power, and absolute control. And that's exactly what she got; because I chose to let myself, out of all things, love." I pushed him away, "I don't want to know how you're involved. I want to let myself think that you're a good guy."
   "I used you!" he shouted.
   "I KNOW!"
   "Not in the way that matters. I used you in way I wish, dearly, I could take back. But I can't!"
   "Why not?"
   "Because you're already dead. They never realize it, but they're all dead."
   "Who's they?"
   "The others." he stopped himself. "The other beings whose powers I've taken."
   "Like you. Innocents who cannot fathom the magic they posses. I'm going to live, because I let you die."
   "This isn't you. You're a good person!"
   "But I'm not! You don't know me. You can't possibly think that you know me. I've had to LIVE with myself, with my actions. This is me. I've always been evil, and no one can change that," he choked back a tear, "not even you."
   "So what? I'm going to die because you're a power hungry monster too? Who else is going to die because of me? Baelfire? Hook? The only family I've known?"
   "You don't know them!"
   "Just like I don't know you. When were you planning on telling me? They boys? Do they know?"
   He shook his head. "But believe me-"
   "I can't believe anything you say. Were you just going to let me fall to the ground, white and pale and lifeless at any moment?"
   "Don't. Please."
   "I wanted to change. After I met you. I swear."
   "You can't change. And I was a fool to think you could."
   "Terran you can't leave." a tear slipped down his cheek. 
   "I want to be far away from you as possible."
   "I hope you realize that everything is already set in motion, I can't stop things now. And on the blood moon it will happen, and I will turn into something I never wanted to be, and you'll be gone. And I will wake up and I will live the rest of my life in regret. But I can't help the things I do." I shook my head as he took a few steps closer to me. "I can't help the way that I feel either."
   He placed his hand quickly on my cheek and brought his lips to mine.
   "I love you." he whispered. "And I am sorry for everything you were put through, especially by me."
   I looked into his eyes, I wanted to forgive him, but I felt a sharp pain in my back and fell to my knees. "But I can't risk losing power, even if it means I lose you."

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now