Chapter 19: I'm Dead

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I don't remember much, but I do remember that by the time I made it into camp, I was given the label "Wanted Fugitive". I remember waking up against a tree, my leg was bandaged, but my arms were tied behind my back. My shirt was dirty and torn, and my shorts were ripped towards the bottom. I lifted my head to see a figure with their hands on their hips back turned towards me.
I tried to take a step forward but realized that my hands were tied, yet again. "Come on." I mumbled.
The person turned to face me, it was Peter. My vision was blurred and I bet my words were slurring together but I didn't care. "Oh what's wrong Love?" he asked. "Confused to see me alive?"
"Not until you mentioned it."
"Then what's wrong?"
"Lots of things."
"Believe it or not, I've got time."
I shook my head and managed to pull my chin up to look him in the eyes. My body was still hunched over, and my knees were shaking but I managed. I always do.
"You are an ass. You are a stubborn, cold hearted, self absorbed, egotistical-" I was cut off. His lips were placed on mine. I wish I didn't feel the way I felt but I enjoyed this kiss. It was soft, and sincere, and it didn't feel like Peter.
He pulled away, "It's nice to know a way to shut you up."

I pulled back, leaning my weight on the tree. I spit on the ground near his feet. "Careful love," he whispered. "Or you just might be on the ground kissing my feet."
I shook my head, "Unbelievable."
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Why did you try to kill me?"
He was bent over now, our eyes were locked and our noses were inches apart. His eyes were soft now, almost as if he were in pain. Under his eyes had grown dark, from lack of sleep I assumed. I don't remember how long I was wandering around trying to get back to the camp but I assumed it was at least a day.
"I-I" I stuttered. "I didn't want to. Believe me when I say I didn't want to...but I had to."
"It's that boy, isn't it?"
I gave him a puzzled look. "The boy they had hostage when you first arrived."
"How would you know that? You were with me."
"I know who comes and goes, that's why no one can leave without my consent. Or, if I'm dead."
Something sparked in his eyes, he was back to himself.
"Did you want to die?"

He pulled back and turned around. I could hear the sound of my heart shattering into a million pieces. This wasn't a monster, he was just crying for help. He needed someone so badly, he needed me.
"Peter?" my voice was barely a whisper.
He turned his head around but not his body.
"Did you want to die?"

He snapped his head back forward and walked into the safety of his tent. Two lost boys emerged from the woods. One was small with shaggy black hair, I didn't recognize him; but I did recognize the other one.
"Dylan?" I called out.
"Terran," he sighed. "Oh thank the stars you're not hurt."
"What does that mean? Would he actually hurt me?"
"You have no idea what Pan is capable of."
"What if he's not really bad."
The boys laughed.
"I'm serious."
"You must've hit your head pretty hard or something Terran. He's a monster."
"No he's not." I urged.
"BOYS!" a voice boomed from behind me.
"Sorry," they bowed awkwardly and ran off.
"Terran, are you okay?"
It was Felix, I let out a breath when I saw him. "You're okay."
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"
"It's just I haven't seen you, I thought maybe something bad had happened."
"Nothing happened, Pan just sent me out...on a task...nothing big."
"What did you have to do?"
He looked towards the ground before turning and walking away. "Nothing really."
"Felix?" I asked.
He snapped his head back towards me, "Terran." he urged while shaking his head.
"Felix, what happened?"
He stopped dead in his tracks, "Let's just say someone got hurt. Someone who didn't deserve it. Someone who needs to let her go."
With that he took long strides to his tent.
"Felix!" I called. "Felix who got hurt?! Please Felix! Tell me! Felix!"

I knew it was no use, but I wanted to try. I needed to know. If people were getting hurt on my account then I would be better off dead. Or would I? What if I was the only reason they were keeping whoever it was alive? If I killed myself, then there would be no reason to let them go.
Night was arriving fast and none of the boys had emerged from their tents yet. I was just waiting until the fire would be started and I could get warm again.
It became so dark that I couldn't see anymore, but I heard the sound of canvas pushing on canvas. Then there was a figure standing in front of me. I didn't know who it was, I was just praying that it was Felix. Then I stopped. If what Felix said was true then maybe I didn't want him next to me.
I wasn't so sure if I wanted Dylan either, or Peter. I just wanted to be left alone. Or did I? A hand ran up my arm. Then I heard the sound of something rubbing against rope. Whoever it was, was cutting the rope. I couldn't decide whether or not that was a good or bad thing. I then decided it was a bad thing.
"You're coming with me, do not make a sound. I haven't decided if I'm going to kill you now or later."

A/N: I try to avoid these as much as possible, but I want feed back. Who do you think Felix hurt? Who do you think is kidnapping Terran. Leave your comments below. I might change who I'm thinking if you give a good backstory/motive.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz