Chapter Three: Come With Me

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Come With Me

We walked onto the stone pavement of the village. The ground was scattered with dirt and hay, but it was nice to be back on land. I hadn't yet earned my sea legs. I was only on there for a day, but was starting to feel a little sick.

Bae stepped in front of me and laughed mockingly, "What?" I asked.

"You, don't look like a pirate." he snickered.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I'm going to take you shopping." he smiled and held up a bag of coins. Then held his finger to his lips and pointed at Smee.

"You little thief." I giggled, and let him take my hand and drag me through the village shops and carts that lined along the houses.

"Here!" he laughed, pulling me over to a cart lined with ruffled half skirts and leather pants. Belts were hung on a rack along with corsets, and knee high boots were on a shelf of their own. I smiled and whispered in his ear.

"Instead of paying, why don't you see how good of a thief that I can be."

He let go of my hand and nodded, walking towards the woman in front of the cart. I bit my lip and snuck behind her as she talked with Bae. "Yes? How can I help you young man?"

"Well you see, my mother gave my little sister and I some money to spend, but you see, I do not know how to count these coins. I was hoping you could be so kind..."

She hesitated and then held her hand out towards him, and he poured the coins in her hand. I laughed to myself before pulling some boots off the shelf, along with a white shirt that tied at the wrists, and a pair of black leather pants. To finish it off I managed to unwrap a black belt without making too much noise.

"So you see, there's 30."

"Thank you ma'am for your assistance." Bae nodded and she did as well.

I snuck out behind her, holding the goods in my arms while she watched Bae walk away and shook her head to herself and sighed. Before she could realize that anything was missing, I snuck behind her cart and met Bae in the middle of the street who had his arms open, "Well done. Let's see how these look on you."

I smirked and let him lead me back to the Tavern where the rest of the crew was playing a game with a cup and dice. They all had drinks and were laughing. Men watched as us two kids walked in and made our way to the back where a bathroom was located.

No one seemed to question why we were in here, but I didn't mind. "I'll sit here, you go change." He pointed to the bathrooms and I nodded.

I stepped inside and slipped the new clothes on. I stepped outside and observed my reflection in the broken dust covered mirror. Not bad, I thought. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, before stepping back into the loud, cheer filled room. I heard glasses clanging together, and people yelling. Chairs were being thrown, and glasses were being smashed.

"Well, how do I look?" I smiled, turning in a circle.

"Like me." he frowned. Standing up, I saw he was wearing a loose white shirt, that tied at the top and he had light brown cloth pants on, complete with a pair of dark umber combat boots that went half shin.

"Oh whatever," I laughed. "I'm better looking than you."
"Yeah, sure." he shot me a sly smile before sitting back down at the table.

I didn't notice before, but there was two metal mugs sitting there and one was now being lifted to Bae's mouth. He smiled and then set it back down.

"What?" he laughed. "Can't hold your rum?"

"I don't know."

"You mean to tell me, that you've never drank before?"



"Not something I like to talk about."

"Well then here's to you, and your secrets." He held up his mug and waited for me to hold up mine. I sighed, finally giving in and held it up and tapped it against his mug. I held the cool metal to my lips and tipped the contents into my mouth. It was sweet and bitter, and I didn't care for it. Bae laughed and told of his adventures, which I doubted actually happened.

"Let's get back," I nodded towards the door.

He smiled and stood up, he wasn't drunk, but he was a little tipsy. I sighed and he held my waist and we walked out into the cool of the night. I sighed in relief, getting the smell of the beer out of my nostrils and filling it with the rain that was now lightly falling.

We walked slowly back to the deck and he followed me below. I sat down on the bench and he sat down next to me. I leaned against his shoulder and he leaned against the wall. "Why do you drink Bae?"

"Takes the pain away."

"From your past? What was so bad?"

He smiled lightly and yawned. "I wish I could tell you, but it's not that easy."

"Soon," I laughed.

"Soon what?"

"Soon you'll open up to me. Soon it'll be easy for you to tell me."

He laughed, "What about you Miss? Why DON'T you drink?"

I looked up at the ceiling and swallowed the lump in my throat. "When I was younger, my father was a drunk. He'd always come home, beaten and could barely stand. When I was little I took care of him, I did as he asked and if I didn't finish it on time, well, he'd beat me. When I was 10 I ran away. Started to make money by either pickpocketing, or telling my story to old men and women who had a heart."

He sighed, and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry." he whispered.

"Don't be," I coughed, wiping a tear away from my cheek. "It's not your fault that my mother died. That he beat me till I was unconscious, and kept going."

"If I had known..." his voice drifted off.

"It's okay." I said, uncomfortable in his arms. I pulled away a little and pulled my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my knees and let the tears slowly fall.

"It's not okay," he whispered.

"What are you going to do about it, he's long dead."

"That's the thing, there's nothing I can do about it. I wish I could, but I can't."

"Go," I smiled. "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

"Come with me."

I shook my head and leaned up against the wall again. A silent tear rolled off my cheek. "It's okay."

"I wish the best for you. I hope that you NEVER stop telling yourself that."

"Why don't you stay?" my voice softer than I had expected

"I promised I'd be a good boy."

His hand was cold as it brushed against my cheek, then he kissed my forehead and turned and left the room.

I Didn't Want to Fall in Love With You (A Dylan Schmid/ Baelfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now