Kidnapping Both A Demon And A Werewolf Leads To-

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The human let him lead, pulling him closer and so letting him absorb some of his body heat. His lips were usually cold, being technically dead after all, but soft and gentle. 

They separated after a few more moments and just relaxed in each other's company. Germany curled up in his lap while he slowly started up his mending again. 

He was getting tired, the fact that he was only halfway done healing both his powers and his physical body, and now with whatever magic left that was healing him suppressed because of the hour, it was taking a toll on him. 

Germany slowly closed his eyes, trying to ignore a slight pulling feeling that started from his still heart, slowly spreading down to the rest of his body. He thought that it was a sort of side effect from his delaying healing because of the time, and that his wounds were acting up, but his brain was telling him that the pulling feeling was slightly too familiar.

He opened his eyes and looked down at his hands, seeing black smoke-like wisps slowly twisting and turning to form two familiar signils over his palms. "Oh shit-" He cursed softly, scrambling to get off Russia's lap. The signils twisted down his arms, circling his torso and down his legs until they reached the floor, and started to glow red.

"Germany?! Germany what's going on what's this?!" Russia exclaimed, standing up to grab his boyfriend's shoulder when he started to shake in fear. "Someone's summoning me Russ."

The demon grabbed his arms as the smoke formed a red circle around him on the floor, making him yelp in panic as the force of magic pulled him down like they were trying to pull him through the floor. "Nonono who is it?! Do you know?!" Russia shouted, gripping onto him as tightly as he could,

"I don't!! I don't know!" Germany shouted back as the circle yanked him down its magic's depths even faster, his knees were already in, and soon the rest of his body would be too. Russia pulled him into a tight hug, and Germany hugged him back just as tightly, breathing quickly. He bit back a sob as memories of his previous recent summoning came back to him, and curled his red tail tighter around himself.

"Look, I'll find you, okay? I swear-" Russia said as fast as he could, he had to go down on his knees already as he spoke, Germany was slipping away from him too fast. He wiped away a tear that had appeared from the corner of his eye and held his cheek, looking him straight in the eyes. "I'll come for you, just hold on-"

"I-I love you-" Germany blurted out when he was up to his chest already, pushing Russia away from him. "Ich liebe dich Russia don't-"

His voice got cut off as soon as he disappeared, and the red smoke dissipated, like nothing had happened except the floor being a little bit hotter. Russia panted heavily, slowly standing up. 

"dAMN IT-" He shouted angrily, slamming a fist into the wall and throwing open the door. He didn't care if people saw him, he needed to find Germany, but he didn't even know where to start. He could be anywhere, he could not even be on the same continent anymore. 

Suddenly a cloth clamped over his mouth, and his eyes widened in panic. Another person was behind him, obviously smaller than him in size, but equally matched in strength apparently. He couldn't shake him off, and he was breathing into the cloth faster and faster.

"Shhh go to sleep. You'll see your friend soon..." The person murmured, dragging him along as he felt his body weaken, and eventually, he slumped against him unconscious.

( 👿 🐺 👿 🐺 👿 🐺)

"Hehe...welcome back, Germany." 

Germany spun around as quickly as he could once he had appeared in his new surroundings, turning to face the voice. He spread his wings out defensively but screamed in shock when they hit the holding circle's barrier almost immediately, unlike last time, where he at least has some room to spread them out halfway.

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