Chapter 40

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Grace leaned over and whispered to me. For once, I was taking notes. "Don't look up but Mr Hunter is staring at you." Instinctively, my eyes lifted from my book and our gazes met. "I just said not to look. Now he's going to know that I told you." She snapped and went back to writing her notes.

Theo smiled and me, his eyes shifting over to Grace then back to me. Grace was right. I giggled and went back to writing my notes. I couldn't lie, he was a great teacher. I actually understood what was going on in class.

"Okay everyone, we've completed so you're free to go early." The soft cheers and sighs of relief bounced around the classroom. I managed to keep my focus on the lesson at hand rather than drool over Theo.

"We'll meet you outside," Grace whispered and gathered her things. I took my time packing my bag to allow the rest of the class to leave.

To my surprise, Melissa, who had done a group project with me, was leaning up against Theo's desk once I had finally gathered all of my stuff. I folded my arms and watched the scene unfold. Theo was forcing a smile and nodding long to whatever it is that she was saying. Her hand went up to fluff her hair as she laughed.

Theo's eyes darted over to me and then he focused his attention on Melissa again. If I wanted to, I could have gone down there and interrupted but it was way more fun watching him squirm in his seat. Melissa was beautiful and always dressed well so it delighted to see that he wasn't interested.

It took over five minutes for her to finish talking and when she finally left, I made my way over to her desk.

"What were you waiting for?" He complained as I placed my pack beside his laptop.

"I wanted to see if she was going to give you her number." I joked, bringing my body closer to his after he stood from his seat.

Theo's voice lowered to barely above a whisper, "Now why would you want that? I'm already too occupied with one woman. I don't want another." Our bodies were so close that his breath fanned across my face as he spoke. I was trapped between him and the desk.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will see us?" I asked, breathing shallow. I wanted to close the distance between us but I wasn't about to give into his little game.

"Let them." Then our lips met. A soft moan escaped my lips as he brought his hands down to my waist, pulling my hips flush against his and from what I was feeling, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

"Hi... yeah, hello. Get a room." Zoey interrupted. Theo and I broke the kiss to look over at her. If she wasn't so far, I would have choked her.

Theo nuzzled into my neck, trailing soft kisses from the base to just below my ear. I shivered and wrapped my arms around his waist. "First Nick and now Zoey. We cannot catch a break."

"We will. I promise," He murmured, pulling away and handing me my bag. "I'll see you later, Avery."

"See you," I said and left the room, glaring at Zoey as I walked past.

"Bye, Mr Hunter," She called over her shoulder with a chuckle. The next time her and Ethan were having a moment I would ruin it. No questions asked.

Theo's laugh followed us, "Bye, Ms Porter."


I closed the car door and buckled my seat belt. "So where are we going?"

"You said we couldn't catch a break earlier and I promised you, so we're going to my place. It'll just be us."

My stomach knotted in excitement. I bit down on my lip to hide my smile and feign nonchalance. "That's cool."

Theo turned up the radio and placed his hand on my thigh. I didn't know the song that was playing and it really didn't matter. My mind was too focused on Theo's hand slowly sliding up my bare thigh. I squeezed my legs together and tried to put all my attention into staring out the window. I failed. I chose the best and worst day to wear a dress.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Theo's hand stopped moving. I wouldn't have been able to go another second pretending like it wasn't affecting me. I peeked over at him and a smirk was playing on his lips as he drove, quite fast, towards his home.

We arrived a lot faster this time and his home was completely dark. Theo unlocked the door and held it open for me as I walked past him. He turned on the lights and helped me take off my hoodie... well his hoodie.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He offered once I was seated on his couch.

I nodded and smiled at him, watching as his dark hair fell into his eyes. In a few more weeks he'd have enough hair for a mini ponytail. "Yeah, a Sprite if you have it."

"Sprite it is," He agreed and left the room. Theo returned a few minutes later with two classes filled with the soda. He handed mine to me and sat beside me.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem."

I swirled the ice around in the glass and took a sip, seeing Theo do the same from the corner of my eye. He placed his glass on a coaster on the table and leaned into me. His cold hand framed my jaw, tilting my head away from his. Before I could register what was going on, he placed a kiss on my neck then glided a piece of ice across the same area.

A moan filled the silence between us and I shivered, tilting my head little more to give him more access. I felt him pull the ice back into his mouth before he trailed lingering kisses below my ear and across my neck. He moved up to my chin then, finally, my lips. Theo nibbled my bottom lip and I gladly obliged as he slid the small piece of ice into my mouth.

His smile against my lips was unmistakable and I couldn't help but mirror it. I broke the kiss, earning a groan from Theo, and put my glass on a coaster. Our lips met again and I held onto him to steady myself and I climbed onto his lap. My dress rode up and I didn't care. At least my underwear was cute. Theo's hands secured on my waist and pulled me further onto his lap. My body moved on its own accord as I rolled my hips against his, moaning at the sensation.

Theo's hands slid down my body, lingering on my butt before going down to grip the sides of my exposed thighs. His hold was tight and I loved it.

"You're driving me crazy," He groaned, tightening his hold on me. One hand went up to the back of my neck, bringing me impossibly closer to him.

"Yeah. I could say the same."

I tugged on his bottom lip and brought both of my hands from his chest up to his face, thumbs stroking his cheeks. Our tongues moved playfully but the fire burning deep within was riddled with passion alone. I felt Theo sift us to the edge of the couch then he stood up. My legs wrapped around his waist instantly, not wanting to allow any space between us. He walked deliberately and there was only one place we could be heading. I was proven right when we stepped through a doorway and he broke the kiss only to turn on the light.

A few moments later, my body was placed down on his soft bed and my heart began to race.


Another chapter is here. I loved writing this one. It's so fun seeing Avery and Theo interact with each other. 

I hope you like it!

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