Chapter 30

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The sound of the car unlocking when I was close filled the dead silence of the night. I pulled the door and got in the passenger side. Theo's eyes watched my every move as I threw my purse in the back seat and put on my seat belt.

"Hey," I greeted once I was ready to go.

Theo smiled at me and switched the engine on, "Hey. You look nice."

"I know,'' I bragged jokingly. He chuckled and sped out of the parking lot. "Where are we going?"

My eyes went over to him. He was so concentrated on what he was doing. I expected nothing less, of course.

"I have no clue yet. Still trying to figure that one out."

I raised a brow at him, "So you invited me out yet you have no idea on where you want to take me?"

His lip twitched into a smirk but he covered it up just as quickly as it came. Theo shrugged and switched lanes then switched lanes again. Although he had no plans on where we were going, he was still an impatient driver. If he wasn't riding the speed limit or breaking it, he was getting agitated.

"We can always hang out with Nick and Cameron."

Theo shook his hide and glanced at me then returned his eyes to the road, "Surprisingly, I want to be alone with you."

I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic tone and decided to take it a step further. "Really? I was hoping that I'd finally have that threesome. It's been on my mind a lot lately."

To my delight, Theo didn't take offense to that. Instead, he said, "So there are three of us guys and one of you. Who are you choosing for this threesome?" The humour in his voice was beyond noticeable as he tried to keep a straight face.

"Hm... I think Nick and Cameron would be good in bed," I said with a thoughtful expression, trying my hardest not to smile.

Theo chuckled and switched lanes again, "You don't think I'm good in bed then?"

"You seem so shy and innocent."

"So do you."

I briefly ran my hand along his thigh, "That's because I am innocent." I removed my hand and sat back in my seat, "So... where are we going instead?"

"You seemed to like Aunt Grace's so I was thinking that we could go there." Theo sounded unsure about his choice but I nodded excitedly about the idea of going there again. I loved it the first time we went.

"Is this a date?"

Theo glanced over at me and smiled, "I hope so, if not I'm going to look like a complete idiot."

"You won't look like a complete idiot. A little desperate, sure but not an idiot." I laughed softly in my seat, turning my head to look out the windshield.

It was easy being around him. We only hung out a few times but he was never pushy, not once, and it felt nice. It was like he truly wanted to be around me. We sat listening to the music playing in the car for a while, neither of us feeling the need to speak. There was nothing on my mind. I wasn't about my friends, school, none of it. I was enjoying the moment.

"You really don't want me in that threesome instead of one of my friends?" Theo asked. If I hadn't looked over at him, I would have thought it was a serious question.

I shifted my expression to a neutral one then responded to him, "Nope. I'm not here to steal your innocence, Theo."

His shoulder shook with a barely audible laugh, "I've found myself a great woman. A woman who doesn't want me for my body." He ran a hand through his dark hair then dropped it to his lap. I reached over and held it, squeezing gently.

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