Chapter 31

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"You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding," I choked out, gasping for air.

Theo's laugh filled the air around us. The sound made butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Nope. Don't tell Nick I told you that."

"I can't believe he really walked out at his own party in a bra and boxers. Who did the bra even belong to?"

He shrugged and shook his head, eyes glimmering with humour. "No clue. We saw it on the floor and dared him to put it on and show everyone. Cam and I didn't think he'd do it."

"How much did you have to pay him? I know his reward had to be bigger than the risk."

"It was twenty dollars each from both Cam and myself. I hated giving him the money but it was worth it."

"I bet." I grinned and played with the end of one of my red locs.

Theo's eyes watched my every move, a shy smile playing on his lips, "I like that look on you," He said, gesturing to my hair.

"Thanks. I have to ask Grace to redo it. It's all fuzzy now."

"Grace is the one that doesn't like me right?"

I stifled a laugh and sipped my milkshake, "It's not that she doesn't like you. She doesn't like the idea of me dating my teacher," I whispered the last part. The diner wasn't crowded but I didn't want any judgmental stares.

Theo's shy smile played on his lips, he almost looked embarrassed, "Anytime I look at you in class, she glares at me. I swear, if looks could kill..."

"So you look at me when you're supposed to be teaching?"

His face took on a light pink colour, this time I knew he was embarrassed. My heartbeat picked up but I tried not to let my excitement show, "Yeah and more than half the time you're on your phone, completely ignoring my well-thought out lessons."

I shrugged, "When your teacher is hot, it's either you ignore him or drool over him and I do have some dignity. Plus you ignore me too."

"That was one time and I apologised for it. Made up for it too if I remember correctly." All signs of shyness were gone yet again as his gaze dropped to my lips.

I leaned forward, drawing his eyes back up to mine, "Trust me, I want you to give me a repeat of that "making up", don't you?"

"You're always ready, huh?"

My lips parted into a grin as I made myself comfortable in my seat again, "Wouldn't you like to know."


The rest of our dinner was filled with so much laughter that my cheeks hurt and eyes watered. It was nice to feel like this. To feel happy in this way. I didn't need a guy's company but it was such a great feeling. I was probably reading too much into it but the way he looked at me made my heart flutter and stomach to twist in excited knots. Our conversations were kept light and drifted from topic to topic in the blink of an eye.

We didn't get into any deep stuff but there was no need. It was technically our first date and it was fun. My mind jumped to Jake every once in a while, but Theo's childhood stories drew me back in.

"Do you want to head down to the beach. I'm sure the bonfire is going right now," Theo suggested. It was only ten thirty and to my surprise, Grace wasn't texting me much. In fact, she hadn't texted me at all in the last hour. I wasn't complaining. I wanted to focus my attention on my date. "The guys are probably there. We don't have to go if you're tired. I can take you home."

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