Chapter 39

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked my four friends again. They all stared at me, expressions bordering annoyed. "Fine. Have it your way. Anyways, how do I look?"

Zoey grinned at me as her eyes ran over my outfit. I had on my cropped long-sleeved shirt, high waisted shorts and Theo's hoodie unzipped. "Very cute," She commented with a smile. Grace added in her agreement and before I could even thank them, there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door and was greeted with the most heartwarming smile I had ever seen. "Hey."

"Hey," I whispered.

"Hey!" Zoey all but screamed from the couch. I whipped around to glare at her to which she answered with an innocent look.

"Theo, you already know Grace, Zoey, Kallum and Ethan."

My friends said their hellos and so did Theo. I didn't want them to start asking him the weird questions they had been asking me so as soon as the greeting left his lips, I was guiding him out the door and locking it behind me.

Theo planted his feet on the ground and refused to move. It was no use even trying. He was taller and way more muscular than I was.

"Don't you want me to get to know your friends?" He asked, his eyebrow raised and smirk as prominent as ever. Gone were his shy days and oh how I missed them.

I looked up at him and placed my hands on my hips, "It's more that I don't want them to ask you the questions they've been asking me. Zoey and Grace have been doing most of the asking. Kallum and Ethan don't care at all."

Theo seemed to be satisfied with my answer since he reached out for my hand and led me to the car.

"What have they been asking?"

Of course I knew the question was coming. That didn't mean I wanted to answer it. I groaned and pulled the car door, welcoming the warmth that the inside brought me.

"Uh..." I stalled. There wasn't a sweet or innocent way to say any of this. I scoffed at myself. I hadn't tried to be sweet and innocent with him before so why was it a big deal now? It wasn't like much changed between us other than a title.

Theo glanced at me then started the engine and pulled onto the street. "Come on, Babe. I can handle it." My heart did backflips in my chest at the use of a nickname. My goofy smile found its place and there was no hiding or denying it.

"Babe, huh?"

He smiled but kept his eyes trained on the road ahead, "What? You don't like it? Before you answer that though and get me all distracted. What was it that they asked you?"

Here I was thinking that we had found an avenue that led away from the matter I was trying to avoid. He just had to focus on this one thing.

"Since you want to know so badly... they asked if we've hooked up yet and of course I said no. Then they asked if and when we plan to do it. They wanted to know if you're a good kisser and-"

"Well am I?" he asked, cutting me off from my rambling.

Theo tilted his head in my direction, his eyes darting over to me every few seconds, waiting on my answer. "I think you already know the answer to that. It's not like I've made it a secret."

"Humour me."

I rolled my eyes. He knew what my answer was and I had half a mind to lie and see his reaction. "Yeah you are. It makes me curious about what else you can do." I said. It was better to go with the truth anyway. He would have seen through my lie like a thin sheet of glass.

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