Chapter 7

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    My mind was still swimming with the thought of the kiss I had with Jacob last night; the feel of his soft lips moving with mine and the subtle taste of cherry from the soda he had been drinking at the bar. I shifted ever so slightly in my chair while waiting for the lecturer to arrive.

"You seem very excited about our accounts class today," Zoey whispered in my ear, the sarcasm wasn't lost on me either.

I blew out a long breath, "Why don't you focus on that man of yours and leave me alone?" I retorted with a small smile.

She chuckled softly, leaning away from me and back into her seat. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ethan place a small kiss on her cheek and I heard snippets of Kallum and Grace's conversation behind me. I couldn't make out what topic they were going on about but they seemed very engrossed in it. My mind drifted back to Jacob and my finger absently found their way to my lips.

Before I could blink, Zoey was back in my ear and this time her tone was far more suggestive and playful, "He's that good of a kisser, huh? You literally looked like me the first time Ethan and I kissed," She rambled, causing me to groan and drag my hands down my face, "If you were trying to hide it then you're doing a terrible job at. You're like two seconds away from drooling on your lap and you have that faraway look in your eyes."

"She looked like that since this morning. I honestly thought that he did more than just kiss her," Kallum chimed in and shoved my shoulder lightly. I hated my friends more than I ever had before. They all suck.

Grace tilted forward and stuck her head between Zoey and I, "He has to be doing something, she's never this happy when she's sober." She said with a giggle, "My little alcoholic has a crush. I'm glad that you gave him a chance but I'll be watching him like a hawk. College guys are the worst."

Kallum muttered a slew of cuss words under his breath and Grace turned her head sharply to give him a look, "Say something else. I dare you." She challenged and he shut up instantly.

A few seconds later, Mr. Tompkins strolled through the door with all of his stuff in hand. He was sporting a large grin, black slacks and a pink, button-up shirt. He looked to be around the same age as Mr. Ferdinand but he was a lot taller with black locs, dark skin and a muscular-type build. He was really cute too. He greeted us and arranged his stuff on his desk before he spoke again.

"There will be an announcement made at the end of class so please try to avoid leaving early," He announced, his voice echoing through the room.

After that, he began class. I got my notebook and multi-coloured pens out and began taking notes as he spoke. I was actually going to make an effort this semester. There were some things that I missed but whatever I didn't have, I was sure that Grace would. Zoey and Ethan spent the entire class giggling softly. There were a few times that I saw Ethan had slide slowly up her thigh and underneath her floral dress but she stopped him in his tracks. The two of them were absolutely carefree.

"Okay, so I won't be able to cover all of the course material that you'll need to pass the exam on my own since I have a few obligations to attend to during this semester." Mr. Tompkins was sitting on his desk with his legs outstretched in front of him. His eyes were going from face to face throughout the entire room, "With that being said, I'll have somewhat of a teaching assistant here to teach you on the days that I'm not here. He's a grad student but I expect you to show him the same respect you've shown me over the last couple of weeks."

Gasps emanated from different parts of the room and murmurs began to rise. I assumed everyone was worried about a grad student being our lecturer but it really wasn't a big deal. He would have done this course before and it should still be fresh in mind. I was curious about whether he would be able to handle teaching a room full of people though. I played with the pen I still had in my hand as I watched Mr. Tompkins walk over to the door and turn the handle.

My breath caught in my throat and I stared wide-eyed, waiting for the grad student to walk in. As soon as he stepped through the door my heart stopped and in a split second, it started beating a mile a minute. A familiar pair of blue eyes landed on me and my jaw went slack. You have gotta be kidding me. He smiled and looked back over to Mr. Tompkins. No way this is happening.

Mr. Tompkins whispered something to him and he nodded. He turned to face the room that was bursting with chatter and quite possibly swooning women. His eyes flitted to me before they fell on a random spot in the room.

"Good evening, everyone. My name Theodore Hunter and I'll be your lecturer when Mr. Tompkins is unavailable to teach. I know that some of you may be worried that you won't get all of the information that you need but I can assure that Mr. Tompkins and myself have thought this through thoroughly." He rubbed his hands together as he spoke and took a step back when he was finished. Why did he need to have a hot last name too?

The class greeted him, somewhat in unison and everyone packed up their things and began to leave. The sound of books slamming shut and zips being done up was deafening. I thought Theo was a student. How is he my teacher?

"Isn't that the cute guy you'd been flirting with the other day?" Grace asked but we both knew that it was more of a statement than it was a question.

No words would escape my lips and I fixed my gaze on Theo. I nodded weakly.

Zoey choked on the water that she was sipping on and Ethan had to tap her back to help her gather herself, "What?" She managed to say after her coughing fit was done.

"I thought he was a student. I wouldn't have done it if I knew he was a teacher." I defended, turning to look at her. Her eyes were swimming with tears, probably from the choking.

Ethan tilted his head to the side so he was in view, "Did he flirt back? He knew that you'd be his student so if he was enabling you then that's kind of weird." He rambled.

I shook my head, "I did all the flirting, I think." I couldn't exactly remember our conversation so I could have been wrong. I looked back to the front of the room. Theo was still there but Mr. Tompkins was making his way out. My friends had gathered their things and I did the same. All of us began heading for the door. I was to the left of everyone so I was closer to Theo. I felt a hand wrap around my forearm and tug slightly. I looked at it then back at Theo. Grace had stopped in front of me when she saw the exchange.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Theo asked and I nodded. I looked over to Grace and I mouthed to her that I'd be fine so she walked out of the room.

It was only Theo and I that were left in the large lecture theatre. His eyes were focused on me and mine were on him. Neither of us spoke for a few long moments.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked while checking my nails to escape his intense stare.

"I was going to tell you before that I'd be teaching you but you walked away before I had the chance." He explained but I shrugged. After the initial shock wore off, it had dawned on me that it wasn't that big of a deal. At least that's what I was telling myself.

My eyes found his again and I spoke, "You don't have to explain. It's fine." I laughed, "It's not like we even know each other, Mr. Hunter."

Theo opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He nodded and told me that I could go and so I left. Grace was just outside the door and I knew she was listening but she didn't say anything. It was still a hard pill to swallow knowing that Theo was now an authority figure.

Well, this sucks. 


Theo is now Avery's teacher!

Let me know your thoughts :)

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