Chapter 10

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     Grace paced from one end of her room to the next. Her shoulders were slumped but the tears stopped. This was going to be bad. I felt that whatever she had to say, it wasn't good. Every few seconds, she stopped, glanced at me then resumed her pacing.

My heart was racing and with every moment that passed, I became more anxious, "Gracie," I whispered, not wanting to alarm her. I didn't know what to say next? What should I even say next?

Grace whispered an answer but not loudly enough for me to hear. She looked into my eyes after stopping directly in front of me and blew out a breath, "Kallum and I slept together last night."

My mouth fell open.

I blinked a few times and shook my head. What would shaking my head even do? I watched her, waiting to see if this was a joke. Her eyes welling with new tears gave me all the answer I needed. Grace and Kallum slept together.

My two best friends and roommates slept together. Okay.

"By slept together, you mean," I trailed off giving her a look. She nodded and wiped away the tears that ran onto her cheeks. I nodded, biting my lip, unsure of what to say, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

She shrugged, "I tried to tell you but you were so adamant on apologising and making things right that I didn't get the chance to."

She had been trying to get through to me and my guilt stopped her from facing hers. I was such a terrible friend, yet again putting my own feelings above someone else's without a second thought. It was a surprise that she still stayed by my side.

"I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to stop you. It was-" Grace wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped mine around her.

"It's okay. I would have chickened out of saying it anyway."

I held her at arm's length, "Why are you so upset about sleeping with him?" I had to know the answer.

It was clear that Kallum had feelings for her, well that was how it looked to me. I didn't know what he thought since I never asked and he never admitted to it.

"I- I don't know." Her shoulders slumped beneath my palms, "Maybe it's because we're just friends and this would probably change everything between us and not in a good way. He might be thinking that this was the biggest mistake of his life and I can't handle that."

I shook my head, smiling softly to put her at ease. It didn't work, "You're playing a guessing game. Didn't you guys talk about it afterwards or even before? You live in the same house."

"I was scared of what he was going to say so as soon as he opened his mouth this, I hopped out of bed and sprinted to my room."

"Naked?" I struggled to hold back a laugh because it was a serious situation but my voice told on me. Grace looked up and cracked a smile.

"Butt-naked. I didn't have time to grab my stuff," She chuckled. My heart warmed at her loosening up a little, "Kallum brought it over to me so when he was in my room, he tried to explain but I didn't let him. What if he had said that it was the worst night of his life?"

That explained why I had heard talking in her room earlier that day.

I raised an eyebrow, "What if he didn't?"

She muttered a cuss word under her breath, "I hadn't thought about that."

"You should just talk to him and clear the air. Let him say what he has to and you can say what you have to and move forward from there." I smiled at her, "You're both adults and if it was something that both of you wanted at the time then you shouldn't be afraid to talk about it or be ashamed that it happened."

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